The Earth is in the process of evolving Her consciousness to the ascended universe above vibration and taking those that wish to go with her.

This ascended universe is a place of completeness.  It is a place of all knowing and those that ascend there know.  It is a truly wondrous and beautiful place beyond this universe.  There is no vibration, no sound, and no light…yet the knowing achieves a far greater level of vision that does not use the senses we are used to using on Earth.  For example: you know the Deer is there and where it is, but you do not see it with vision nor hear its movements.  You know its movements.  You know everything.  In this place, no one species is more important than another.  There is total peace and center.

Earth has already partially completed her movement to the new ascended universe above vibration.  There exists in the place above vibration another Earth.  Earth ascended several decades ago.  She sits there ready to receive those that wish to join her.  Members of many species already have completed this transition to the beyond.  Plants, Stones and all other species are in the process of doing this now.

We invite you to join us on this exciting journey.  Each of you already has the potential to achieve this.  Some of you already have, but many have not.  This ascension has nothing to do with the age or the species of the soul that ascends.

There are literally thousands of already ascended souls that have returned here to help others in this movement towards this ascended universe.

We hope to help facilitate this movement.  The knowledge shared in this space on the web is priceless.  All parts of this website are free to all to use.  A price cannot be put on knowledge.  There is no energy to exchange here because there is only the pure intent of each human to ascend, and intent is priceless.

In the end, it is the intent of each soul that accomplishes their ascension.  No amount of money, fame or book sales elevates a single soul above the lowest form of life here on Earth.  We all weigh equally.  Humans are no more important than a single-cell bacterium.

Ascension must be accomplished without fear and ego.  Fear and ego form a static that prevents growth.

In coming interviews and posts, we will explore the methods that are now being used by others to try and teach this and why these are creating false boxes that actually trap the species and prevent them from ascending beyond.

Prepare yourself to be challenged to leave these boxes and dare, with lack of fear and ego, to ascend with Earth to her new home above vibration.

[Many of you will be coming here because you know me from my work with AnimalSpirits.com or animalspirits–withoutfear.blogspot.com.]

Note:  I’m working on getting the AnimalSpirits.com website back online.  You can reach the site contents (a big thank you to John Lund for helping me to get the site’s html contents from Time Machine!) here for the time being:  http://animalspirits.ascendingabovevibration.org/


53 Responses to Welcome to ascendingabovevibration.org

  1. webmaster says:

    Great work! I look forward to the ride!!

  2. RogerT says:

    So great to have found your site Diana. I look forward to talking with at some point or perhaps meeting up. Thanks Mark for directing me to Diana’s work. RT

  3. Alice says:

    Finally your new website is up and running . I ‘ve been waiting for this : )

  4. Nanci says:

    Diana, this is such a great idea/creation! Something we can all work on together or alone. Wonderful! Thank you!

  5. james says:

    Great job AS look forward to VG & all else!!

  6. rebeka says:

    Thanks Diana for sharing with us your knowledge here at this side!!!I joined a coupple a weeks ago by talking to Roger.I realised that it´s great what you do!
    When I listen to your intervieuvs I feel the calming energy coming true your voice. I KNOW IT IS TRUTH!! learning a lot from you on the Forum.

  7. LassenSage says:

    Thank you for helping us focus on the bigger picture.Most especially for the helping hand in stretching our minds, step by step into focus…I find you to be direct and gentle. What a powerful combination.Many thanks to you and everyone working here.

  8. divsy says:

    Dear Diana,
    Just got my ticket from Lassen – glad to know that my landing here is very comfortable and secured. The energies are revving high gear as we move closer to our long awaited portal. I look forward eagerly to seeing the colors of our deck .

  9. marcy says:

    Blew me away! This is what I’ve BEEN seeing whenever I close my eyes!!!

  10. Pam Drinnon says:

    Just watching this and reading this made me want to cry…I feel so grateful to have this web-site, I will share.

  11. Dos says:

    “13 Responses to Welcome to ascendingabovevibration.org”

    slowly finding the way.

  12. terence says:

    Hi I am new and “seeking” some answers.I have more to tell than possible in few words.I have had many spiritual experiences.Learned to meditate.Seen sun in meditation shining thru trees many times.Other experiences.OBE Recently been told I was called to be shaman.Told my totem animal was moose.Last night what appears to be female and her calf came within steps of my front door despite my having a Rottweiler on property.I am left with many questions.Foster child troubled childhood.Started when I was very young but peeked in my teens.Anybody follow me and any answers for me?What?Why?How?you see? I would greatly value any help I can get,Thank you…tlcisme

    • Terence,

      Welcome. I suggest that you listen to the audio tapes in order. They will give you a feel for what work is being done here. Also, in order for me to be able to answer your questions, you need to register in the forum section. It is free. Once you do that, copy and paste the comment above and I can try and answer some of your questions. Again, I believe you will be helped by listening to the audios. Diana

  13. Mi says:

    Very happy to have found you 🙂

  14. Mi says:

    Great site! Thank you

  15. Leila says:

    Thank you so much, I’m so glad I found this, and look forward to more.

  16. Corazon says:

    Thank You

  17. sid rudgley says:

    First time here ,very intresting &loved the shaman stuff………..Sid

  18. River Eyes says:

    First time to notice this Ascending above Vibration area. I have been coming to this site for many years. I have turned many people on to this site. Robins around me lately is one reason I found this part. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Love and Light! River Eyes

  19. Mo says:

    I am pretty excited to witness, clearly what I have been trying to visualize during my meditation. I only had the green and purple.

  20. Mathew says:


    I can’t believe that you have related a rock to a species, I wrote up some time ago saying that everything that vibrates is alive which of course I was laughed at saying. Nothings an illusion because if it vibrates it exists including thought & imagination but not quite the way we think it exists, I’m impressed!!


  21. Watching the video which is very slow, as i cannot get High-speed where I live. But thank you for the lesson of patience! I’m only on 20 seconds but already feeling the vibrations.The fractals are wondrous indeed–thank you!

  22. Bella says:

    I am kind of taken aback by all of this can you explain in more detail what it is that you mean? I know what you are trying to say, but I just can’t connect to it. So, again please explain more about it to me. I was also told that my animal spirit was a Dragon, what does that mean?

    Please type back,

  23. James O says:

    Thank you for this, really

  24. DeWayne says:


    • DeWayne,

      I don’t teach seminars, etc. I do teach them online and work with people to learn how to do it. Of course, they are/would be free. It will take me a while to get them going, but I could do that. They have to be individualized as that is the nature of how you learn and it takes a good while and patience to learn to do it, but I have taught hundreds of people to do them so I know they do work. Look for this to ramp up in about 4-6 weeks.

      Thank you for visiting the site.


      • Carla says:

        I have just found this place as I was searching for the spiritual meaning of the yellow jacket (as opposed to the more general term ‘wasp’) and came to this site.. I know I was meant come here for far more than just the answer to the question I had today. I would love to know if you do a class around communicating with animals.

  25. Liz says:

    I am new. I will very much like to learn to meditate and follow Shamanism as a spiritual practice for daily life. I have been reading quite a bit and I have difficulties meditating as mind is so very active. Will like to attend a workshop with others as to how to meditate and be able to follow the footsteps of Tom Cowan. Please help!

  26. Maimoona says:

    Diana, I’ve been having a lot of animal drams lately. I feel they’re trying to tell me something. Need your help.

    • Maimooona,

      You can send me a direct message in the forum if you registered for it. If not, go ahead and do that as it is free. Just be sure you write down your username and password so you can get back in.

      Write me one dream at a time.

      I am going to go into the forum and get caught up today and tomorrow. My health has been on the skids lately, but I have been very good about bed rest and am getting slowly better.


  27. Damien says:

    Hiya Great site very grateful something like this is available for free 😛 Just had a quick question about bear totums ? And how i can communicate/connect with that energy more it’s only just come into my life during a challanaging time i’d love to get more info ?

    Thx Damien

  28. Paula says:

    Hi – I’m just starting to get involved with Sharmanism and all that that entails…So can someone guide me through the process of how to know which animal relates to me?
    Thank you – Paula

    • Stu Arsht says:

      Hi Paula My name is Stu. I have been interested in this for awhile. I have more of a question than advice. I think that any seeker has the potential to guide on a journey. So if we work together on this journey so be it. I am into driving a lot. I relocated from Pennsylvania to California and I have been driving around and I saw a road runner, which is a type of bird. It looks like a large thin rooster, but it was all brown. I became curious and intrigued. I will share another story. I had a session with a shaman who said that she was getting knowledge from her spirit helper. With out knowing much about me she said something about camels because water would propel me on some of the long driving jobs I did. I believed that I was helping someone to see his mother and I got to meet her. It was a 400 mile drive. Maybe it has no meaning at all. I just thought it could make you feel better to know that there are others out there who have questions like yours.

  29. Golden Lotus says:

    Peace and Blessings……..Everytime we read the posts…questions…comments of another, we are taken in the energy of others….thank you for allowing your~SELF as a vessel for creating an environment for healthy….HEALTHY energy and well-meaning to be passed, but as equally as being RECEPTIVE to what others give you….Namaste’, Golden Lotus

  30. adrianna says:

    Dear Everyone……THANK YOU Alll so much for this wonderful meeting place of Pure Love and therfore Wisdom of Truth….I would like to pass on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciFtMCwb7Ow

    Please pass Forward…….
    LOVE adrianna

  31. Budra says:

    Very insightful.so much to learn,thanks

  32. Budra says:

    Extremely interesting,more sensible and acceptable to digest than any singular religion or sects sale on our place in this universe or multiverse or existence.

  33. shelia says:

    Its good to know this site exist

  34. Priscilla Hendry says:

    Saw your communication w/the black panther Spirits. I so want to learn how to asend, an communicate with people an animals on a much higher level of love an understanding than I’ve ever known. I’d so much love & want to learn from this different way of being.

  35. Stacey says:

    Truly lovely.

  36. terry lardides says:

    hi and super too meet you……x

  37. karen galanes says:

    I’m looking for spirit guidance, purpose, and direction. I sometimes feel surrounded by darkness, weak , and can not focus . I have strong will at times , and fail to finish. I am tired and searching for my worth , I want to help the world. Any advice ?

    • karen galanes says:

      Or leave !

    • webmaster says:

      I personally find it helpful to focus on doing what I prefer as that inner guidance seems to me to be more reliable than anything else to get me where and when I need to be for synchronicities to be everywhere in my life. Tho I think that you yourself have the answers better than anyone can, for you. I’m happy to share what works for me, but you may not resonate with what I have come to for myself.

  38. karen galanes says:

    I know that I have answers within , The strength to search within is what I need to discover, and trust in myself. Thank you.

  39. Debra Nelson says:

    Thank you for sharing higher knowledge and wisdom.
    Great to participate – looking for comfort and ascension.

  40. Rhonda Dennis says:

    I am impressed with your website and your philosophy so many are out there to fool people with their lies and take their money for it I felt the energy from your words as I read them they are true thank you

  41. Sandi Nicol says:

    I just learned that the creator of this web site, Diana Roth, had passed away on April 22, 2015. I found this link on her Delphi Forum: Animal Spirit Guides: http://www.kenlange.com/coyotestealsfire/animalspirit-diana-roth.PNG — this came from a posted announcement from Soundscape dated Feb 29, 2016. Soundscape’s post # is 22686.1 if you want to go to Delphiforums.com – look for Animal Spirit Guides forum and do an Advanced Search using that post #. You should be able to find the announcement she posted to the forum group.

  42. michael says:

    thank you

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