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(5)Entering Altered States of Consciousness
July 3, 2011
6:38 pm
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
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(5) Entering Altered States of Consciousness; A very basic introduction:


July 7, 2011
12:24 pm
Florida, USA
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It is very important that you listen to these audios interviews in the order in which they were done.  I am discussing fundamental topics in order.

Think of it as walking up a flight of stairs.  Each interview is one step.

Even if you feel you already know the subject matter, it will benefit you to listen to each one.

The interviews are listed in order with the first one at the top.  

If you do not feel that you have accomplished a step.  Remain there until you understand it and are able to do what is contained in the interview.  I will try and help you if you have problems or have questions to ask about each one.

After listening to the interview, some of you will already know the step.  Then proceed to the next one.  The next step is titled: FORMING INTENT, REMAINING NEUTRAL, AND OPENING PORTALS.  

If you do not do this, you will not be able to succeed as the steps become more advanced and take more time to master.

I have tried to do this in a very orderly manner to help you get to the end result which is beyond vibration.

We are honored that you have found your way to this website.  

You will not be disappointed.

July 20, 2011
3:51 pm
Florida, USA
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For the work being done on this site, it is necessary that you enter a neutral altered state of consciousness not confined to your body.  By that I mean that you have not concentrated on your body and gone within it to gain knowledge.  This puts you in a box. 


There are many ways that one can enter an altered state of consciousness.  I am going to list as many of them as I can think of.


  1. TRADITIONAL MEDITATION:  By traditional meditation I mean going to one’s body and concentrating on the hands, feet, legs, etc.  Some people use meditation daily.  If this has allowed you to see spirits, other worlds, species of other worlds, etc. and you are able to communicate with them, then you are fine.  Be careful that your intent is neutral.


  1. NON-TRADITIONAL MEDITATION:  This method follows the traditional form in that you begin by feeling awareness.  This time you don’t go to your body, but to the Earth.  You replace your hands, feet, arms, legs, and etc. with the Earth’s oceans, streams, mountains, deserts, and as your deepest center, her magma.


  1. USE OF THE EARTH’S HEARTBEAT:  For those of you that can feel the Earth’s heartbeat, use that as you would a drum.  Go to the beat and allow yourself enter an altered state.  Sit on the Earth and let her heartbeat rise within you and go with it.


  1. UN-FOCUS:  In this method, you do not concentrate on anything.  You just let go and un-focus.  You let what needs to come up, to do so.  At first it may just be junk from your mind/ego that you need to let go of.  How much of this comes up depends on how much baggage you are dragging.  At some point, you will cease to have this static and find that you aware in a totally different manner.  You are in an altered state.  This is the method I use.  I just un-focus and go.


  1. USE OF CDS AND MUSIC:  Michael Harner’s Center for Shamanic Studies sells a series of CD that are geared to put you in an altered state.  You can find them here: Audio CDs .  Sometimes, you can find them for sale in New Age Stores or other Music Stores.  The drumming tapes are the biggest sellers, but I personally prefer the Didjeridu CD.  You can also use tapes of sounds of nature such as the Ocean, Waterfalls, Whales, Jungle, etc.  The most important thing is that each part be about 8 minutes or longer.  Listening to them via headphones with a blindfold on helps.


You will know that you are in an altered state as your reality/awareness shifts. When you are able to see spirits, deceased relatives, and non-Earth species then you have learned to put yourself into an altered state.  At first you may find that it appears that you are looking through a very thin veil or gauge at these, but with time the veil will disappear and you will see them as clearly as anything else you see.


The most important thing to realize is that these spirits are not going to harm you as long as you have formed neutral intent and remain without fear.  Those two are very important.  You communicate with these souls via telepathy. 


These are the methods I can think of now.  If any of you use another one, feel free to share.  Remember—neutral intent and lack of fear.  If you fine yourself afraid of what you see, go back to the audio that talks about letting go of fear and work on that for a bit. 


You are going to see things that do not look anything like what is seen on Earth.  If your intent is neutral and you are not afraid of differences, you will be fine.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some species are quite different than we are.  I always wonder what we look like to them?  We must appear quite ugly.


Above all, don’t let your mind/ego throw you back down into fear mode.


Have fun.  Learn acceptance.  Show compassion.  Smile



July 20, 2011
4:48 pm

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What I do is plunk my self outside and just let myself relax and drift. Would this count as as altered state? You mention seeing  other beings , This has happened for quite some time, usually as I'm drifting off to sleep, I see images sometimes not clearly and I swear this is the truth , a few weeks back I saw an Egyptian statue, this was almost clear and I jumped a foot in bed and let out some remark.

Now to the other new menbers  lets give this new web site a chance to grow , don't be afraid to post your thoughts, we can all learn and grow together. ( my Grammieness is coming outSmile ) D has alot to share with us .

July 20, 2011
9:29 pm
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:


What I do is plunk my self outside and just let myself relax and drift. Would this count as as altered state? You mention seeing  other beings , This has happened for quite some time, usually as I'm drifting off to sleep, I see images sometimes not clearly and I swear this is the truth , a few weeks back I saw an Egyptian statue, this was almost clear and I jumped a foot in bed and let out some remark.

Now to the other new menbers  lets give this new web site a chance to grow , don't be afraid to post your thoughts, we can all learn and grow together. ( my Grammieness is coming outSmile ) D has alot to share with us .



Yes, it sure does.  That is an example of going to the Earth and letting go.  Absolutely.


Also, right before you drift off to sleep you are in an altered state of consciousness and you will/can see things that are quite extraordinary.  Usually when you are doing something by rote memory such as: driving, riding, gardening, rocking a baby, doing dishes, etc. you are likely to be in an altered state of consciousness.  It can be very interesting what comes to you seemingly out of the blue when you are driving.  Don't dismiss these occurrences as your mind playing tricks on you as it is your soul that is talking to you.  


As you become more adept at entering altered states, you will begin to see more and more things that you would not normally see.  That is a good thing.  Remember that everything doesn't look like it does here on Earth, so don't get scared if you see something very strange.  Just say “Hi.”



July 21, 2011
1:58 pm
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Diana, thank you so much for sharing this wonderful information with all of us. I am so happy to be able to have access to your bank of knowledge. Thank you so much for the putting in the effort and allowing all to share here.



July 21, 2011
2:31 pm
Florida, USA
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You are very welcome.  I am happy that is beneficial to you.

There will be more content coming along regularly.

Be sure to ask questions if you need to because the question you ask is probably the same question others have.



July 21, 2011
2:32 pm

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Hi Eastie,

Welcome to Diana s wonderful new website.  We are all going to have a change to learn and grow.

July 24, 2011
2:29 pm

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For the techie minded visitors (like me), would it be accurate to say that we are getting into a predominantly theta state in terms of brain activity.


From talking to you before when you said children can do this naturally, I also recently learned that until age 6 or so, children are in a more or less permanent state of theta – hence their ability to super learn simply by observing.


There are many modalities to help entrain the brain (binaural beat audio, resonance devices, hypnotherapy, drugs, neuro feedback etc) , do you recommend any of these for those who like to find short-cuts – lol Cool

July 24, 2011
4:59 pm
Florida, USA
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RogerT said:

For the techie minded visitors (like me), would it be accurate to say that we are getting into a predominantly theta state in terms of brain activity.


From talking to you before when you said children can do this naturally, I also recently learned that until age 6 or so, children are in a more or less permanent state of theta – hence their ability to super learn simply by observing.


There are many modalities to help entrain the brain (binaural beat audio, resonance devices, hypnotherapy, drugs, neuro feedback etc) , do you recommend any of these for those who like to find short-cuts – lol Cool


Your mind/ego is telling you that you can do this through theta waves, etc.  You ran this through the mind and it altered the message.  Your mind/ego is fighting you on this.  You keep trying figure out shortcuts around these steps. This has nothing to do with your brain, it is your SOUL we are talking about.  Do yourself a favor.  Don't.  Instead, spend your energy doing the work because it will benefit you more.

I believe that when we enter the physical world as a newborn that we do so as a pure soul.  That is why children can't talk, walk, read, write, run, feed themselves, etc.  They need time to learn to use the physical body they have just inhabited.  The operative word here is “time”.

You will do this faster if you lost the 'teckie' part of you and learn to go to your soul. Wink  The fact that you want to get there fast means that you are not doing the work you need to in order to learn to do this.  We live in such a “want it now” society, that patience is something that seems to have fallen by the wayside.

People ask me how I am able to do this:  Patience of path.

I posted some things that will help you enter an altered state in a post to Tashina or to you (I believe) in this thread.

Drugs will absolutely hinder your ability to freely do this…freely being the operative word.  If you depend on drugs, then you have to get them, use them, and wait and see where THEY take you.  You are not able to maintain neutral intent while on drugs because the drugs are controlling the state, not you.  You need to control the altered state.

I have taught this to people for close to 30 years and it works, but only if that person is ready to do the work needed to get there…and spend the time to do it.  Most don't want to put the time in that is necessary to learn what they need to learn, but there are those that are very serious about this and they are the ones that persevere and learn it…and it is an absolute honor to watch them expand.  

You all have time to do this and this is not a race to the finish.  It is about connecting to your soul and learning from it.  I “ain't” grading papers here. Laugh

You will not get to beyond vibration unless you can enter an altered state, control it, form neutral intent, open the portal, and have the courage to step through it.

So please, practice these steps and move slowly.  I am not going anywhere…and I have the patience of a saint when it comes to teaching this.  Because each soul is unique, all of you will progress differently and at a different speed…and that is what makes your journey special…and why this forum exists for me to interact with each of you as you need to.



July 24, 2011
6:45 pm

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You are right it does take time . Some times I take one step forward and two backwards , but I'm determined to master it.  Like today I'm plunked in the lawn chair I open a door way I step over the stoop and the end of  tunnel looks a bit bigger only to hear Hubby say ” are you still with us ” I forgot to mention I was going into an altered state. I must have looked dead to him : (  Oh well tomorrow is another day.

July 24, 2011
7:57 pm
Florida, USA
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That sounds like something that would happen to me.  You probably did look dead as you were in pure soul form. Laugh

You aren't going backwards.  The end of the tunnel is getting larger…that is forward movement girl!

Just keep on plugging forward, you are doing great.  Once you get past the tunnel, you are going to pick up speed.  Just be sure that you do it as slowly as your soul needs you to.


July 25, 2011
5:10 am

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Fantastic response as usual Diana.

I had a bit of a breakthrough last night and got quite clear that I can do this without a facilitating modality, so thank you so much for that gift.

I also found keeping my eyes open helped – maybe because it became harder for the mind to tell me what I was seeing was just imagination. Once I’d agreed to acknowledge the veiled images to be just as real as the bedroom, they began to condense and at one point I was definitely ‘off with the pixies’.  A very intriguing subteranean landscape of undulating cones and pyramids, no entities visible at this point – not ready to bump into ET fully sober just yet Surprised

And yes, I got very present to the difference between self/soul directed and plant directed.

I feel I am growing up 😉


PS. When you 'journey', do you walk around, float around or move from point to point instantly, or a bit of all 3?

July 25, 2011
7:20 am
Florida, USA
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RogerT said:

Fantastic response as usual Diana.

I had a bit of a breakthrough last night and got quite clear that I can do this without a facilitating modality, so thank you so much for that gift.

I also found keeping my eyes open helped – maybe because it became harder for the mind to tell me what I was seeing was just imagination. Once I'd agreed to acknowledge the veiled images to be just as real as the bedroom, they began to condense and at one point I was definitely 'off with the pixies'.  A very intriguing subteranean landscape of undulating cones and pyramids, no entities visible at this point – not ready to bump into ET fully sober just yet Surprised

And yes, I got very present to the difference between self/soul directed and plant directed.

I feel I am growing up 😉


PS. When you 'journey', do you walk around, float around or move from point to point instantly, or a bit of all 3?


I knew you could do it if you just tried. You are growing up!

When you go into an altered state, you will not necessarily see animals, entities, etc.  You may see exactly what you saw, which is a location.  Where that is, you may never know or you may return there and get more information.  ETs are a piece of cake.  Just remember they look different than we do and don't be scared of them.  Remain neutral and you will be fine anywhere you go.

I move a bit of all three of those you listed above and sometimes I fly as well.  I guess it just depends on where I am and what I am doing.  Any of my movements are usually fairly quickly…usually instantly.

You are doing great.  Keep practicing…and walk those baby steps.  In the end, it will serve you well .



July 25, 2011
10:03 am
SE Kansas

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/like -s Roger T's last post.  Smile

/hugs for all.  :)

July 26, 2011
8:16 am

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Well  put a dunce Frown  hat on me. I think I also need  a chair facing the wall. I think that it's great you guys are having these break throughs , but for me.. mmm. What has happened to me is I took  three Apache Tears , I larger one tugs at my third eye.. the other two I wanted to see if they wanted to work with me , they don't. So now I will make a necklace to keep the larger stone  in my energy field. I 'm still just over the door stoop, but I can see me standing there sooo… maybe like the turtle that is my sign I'll get there , I'm determined.

July 26, 2011
8:20 am
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:

Well  put a dunce Frown  hat on me. I think I also need  a chair facing the wall. I think that it's great you guys are having these break throughs , but for me.. mmm. What has happened to me is I took  three Apache Tears , I larger one tugs at my third eye.. the other two I wanted to see if they wanted to work with me , they don't. So now I will make a necklace to keep the larger stone  in my energy field. I 'm still just over the door stoop, but I can see me standing there sooo… maybe like the turtle that is my sign I'll get there , I'm determined.


The Obsidian is just to put a neutral field around you.  It has nothing to do with entering an altered state.  Just keep trying, you will succeed.  I promise.  It is good that you are determined…just let it happen as it should.


April 14, 2012
6:03 pm
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webmaster said:

(5) Entering Altered States of Consciousness; A very basic introduction:



I've read through a lot of the posts today after I listened to step 5. You talked about people's animal guides in several of them. One of my main totem animals is Coyote, and I was hoping you could help me understand her role in my life. Others walking with me are Hummingbird, Snake, Hawk, Spider, Owl, but I feel close to most animals that I encounter. Thank you. I must add that the forming of neutral intent is a big revelation to me and I will do that when I practice opening a portal. It's easy for me to be in an alterend state and see other beings. However, I did not approach them with neutral intent or enough respect in the past. I thought since they showed up that they came to interact with me. Then when I lost faith in my abilities/experiences, I began to question the validity of information that these encounters produced. Lacking neutral intent and approaching without permission – I understand now that those were part of the problem. Thanks for guiding me to this.

April 15, 2012
11:26 pm
Florida, USA
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DanubePilot said:

webmaster said:

(5) Entering Altered States of Consciousness; A very basic introduction:



I've read through a lot of the posts today after I listened to step 5. You talked about people's animal guides in several of them. One of my main totem animals is Coyote, and I was hoping you could help me understand her role in my life. Others walking with me are Hummingbird, Snake, Hawk, Spider, Owl, but I feel close to most animals that I encounter. Thank you. I must add that the forming of neutral intent is a big revelation to me and I will do that when I practice opening a portal. It's easy for me to be in an alterend state and see other beings. However, I did not approach them with neutral intent or enough respect in the past. I thought since they showed up that they came to interact with me. Then when I lost faith in my abilities/experiences, I began to question the validity of information that these encounters produced. Lacking neutral intent and approaching without permission – I understand now that those were part of the problem. Thanks for guiding me to this.


I saved this one for last because it is dear to my heart.

You are very lucky to have Coyote with you.  I also have a male Coyote.  His name is Yotee Coyote.  He has protected and taught me so much over my life.  Probably the most important thing is to learn to laugh at myself when I something up.  Coyote is often said to be a trickster.  This is not true.  Coyote loves to give you what you wish for and then watch you try and handle it.  That in itself is a great lesson.  When people say he tricked them, they are throwing the blame back on Him rather than themselves.  They are not taking responsibility for their own actions.  Also, Coyote teaches you that while everything is sacred, nothing is sacred. It is a balance lesson that once you understand opens a whole world up to you.

Hummer not only will bring your joy and happiness, but it has great endurance over long journeys.  It is able to heal using its tiny beak as a laser.  It can get into places that other larger animals don't have access to.  It is great for sealing leaks that spring up.

Snake brings you transmutation…physical change.  This means not only physical changes to yourself, but your environment.  I also work with Snake.  Snake will bring change at a moment's notice.  You will find yourself making major changes in a very short period of time.  This often is not liked by those around you because they do not understand that this is part of your nature.  Many people fear change, but change is absolutely necessary for growth.  You don't change, you don't grow.  You don't gain new knowledge.  You stay in a static state.

Hawk sees the overall picture from its place high in the sky.  This is very useful because most people look from detail to detail and are never able to put the whole picture together.  Hawk does that for you.

Spider is wonderful.  Grandmother Spider wove the fabric of the universe and controls your fate.  You may feel, at times, that someone is pulling on you to do something.  That is Spider dancing on your web of fate.  She is subtle and fearless.  She will guide you to places you never knew where open to you.

Owl sees in darkness.  Owl moves without sound.  It has the ability to teach you see in complete darkness…and that can include the ability to see clearly in shadow.  If you do any healing work, you must be able to see in shadow as that is where most of those needing healing are. You have to have the patience to teach them to leave their fear behind and move into the light.

I understand about your affinity to all animals.  You can have from one to hundreds of lifelong animal spirits.  Some will come into your life for a short period of time to teach you a specific lesson and then leave.  Your lifelong animals NEVER leave you.  You may not feel them around you, but they are there.  They may step back to allow another animal that needs to work with you to come forward.

Let me know if you have any questions.



April 16, 2012
9:48 am
Forum Posts: 55
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As I read your reply, I realized that Coyote (actually, mine is a male also, named Akela) has helped me get out of all the boxes that I've been able to get out of so far, exactly because everything is sacred and nothing is sacred. And as for Snake, yes, my life has been like a walk through wormholes, my changes are instant once I'm aware, which sends my relatives and friends into a spin. Wink

I feel great honor and peace in the presence of animals but I don't know how to “work” with them, how to ask for their help and then understand their wisdom. I read a lot about animal guides in the past but most of it seemed directed to people's desire to control, like most New Age stuff, in my opinion. It led me to shamanism but what I saw there was not attractive at all.

And whose help could I ask to overcome self-judgment? I suppose it may be Coyote, too.

Thanks so much. Kiss

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