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Please Work on the Steps In Order
October 20, 2011
11:00 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Please continue to work on the steps outlined in this section in order.

If you do not work through each step, you will not fully understand what is being talked about in the latter ones, including what is being talked about in Surfing the Cosmic Waves.

Working with stones will be of help to some you trying to learn these concepts.  For others it may be working with animals, plants, or all three.  

Each of you must decide which works for you..and trust that decision.

Above all, be patient with yourself as you progress through each step.  Some take a long time, while others may come quickly.  It will be different for each of you.

Honor your own path and work at your own speed.

This is very advanced work, especially as you cease to vibrate and have the ability to go Beyond Vibration.

I am very proud of each of you for the work you have done.



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