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In hope that??
March 2, 2012
5:18 pm

Forum Posts: 179
Member Since:
July 18, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


I've thought about this alot and I'm going to post it in hope that some one else who is going through this might get healing from it. Years ago I had an experience that woke me up , believe me this was life changing, and in the beginning I was terrified and as I came to understand what was happenning to me I let the fear go , D calls it climbing out of boxes that we create for our selves, she is 100 per cent right on. I was told that I was a healer and I didn't believe it and as time went on I realized that there are many ways to be a healer , one way being that I could share what happened to me and let people  know that they too can come to terms with what is going on in their life, and benifit from what's happening to them. They told me that they came from beyond the light and they would be back for me. I've asked alot of people what this might mean to them , I feel at this time in my life that they come from deep space. My message is don't be afraid, open yourself to the experience, you'll gain so much from it.



March 2, 2012
7:37 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline




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