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August 29, 2011
8:37 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Do not attempt to do this work while taking Drugs, because you will have put yourself into a box that is controlled by the drugs.  All of your work is being controlled by the drug you have taken and not by the work you believe your are doing while on the drugs.  It is a massive and strong control box.


What I am trying to do is to empower each of you to do this on your own, without outside intervention or the requirement that you be in a box…or that your purchase something to further find out how something is supposed to work.  I am trying to get you to see and open the boxes you are already in.  This is why you are so confused and unable to make sense about the tons of contradictory information out there.

You need to be very cautious about who you allow to do work on you.  Just because someone is famous does not mean that they have your best interest in mind…more than likely, they have their best interest in mind.

By empowering each of you to do your own work, what I am attempting to do for each of you is to give you control over your own ascension…which is how it should be.  This is your ascension.

This work is not easy, nor should it be.  It requires that you put time and patience into this journey.

If you want a quick fix or you want to try and learn to do this in a week, then this is probably not the place for you.  

Ultimately, you will get there faster and without boxes if you stay here and do the work.

I do not read the material of others. I do not attend workshops. 

If you are spending your time “researching” what others are saying or reading other material, then you are not spending your time working on the series of simple steps I have outlined.  In the end, it will be much more time efficient if you concentrate on the series of steps I outlined.  There is none of my energy tied to this work.  I have merely outlined how I got to the place where I am able to do these things. 

I have done this because I am asked that question so often.

Kudos to those of you that are quietly doing this work.  It will pay off for you.


September 30, 2011
4:28 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hope I'm posting this in the the right place . I've finally felt the tug you speak about and it happened not in the awake state. It was a tug in my solar plexus, enough to know that it wasn't a musle twitch. Some one was speaking to me and explaining what was going on . Forming intent does work SmileHears the thing though, I feel I'm being taught on the Astral plane. It seems that alot is shown to me in this state. Does this happen to you ?  I also find that not forceing it works alot better for me , I'm just letting it happen.Smile

September 30, 2011
4:47 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Tashina said:


Hope I'm posting this in the the right place . I've finally felt the tug you speak about and it happened not in the awake state. It was a tug in my solar plexus, enough to know that it wasn't a musle twitch. Some one was speaking to me and explaining what was going on . Forming intent does work SmileHears the thing though, I feel I'm being taught on the Astral plane. It seems that alot is shown to me in this state. Does this happen to you ?  I also find that not forceing it works alot better for me , I'm just letting it happen.Smile


Great!  Good for you.  This is going to be individual for each of you.  I am fully awake when I enter the altered state and feel the tug…but that doesn't mean that it will happen to you that way especially in the beginning.

I have a feeling that the more proficient you become, the easier it will be for you and it will begin to happen when you are awake.

Not forcing it is the main thing…just let it happen as it should.  You will experience quiet times and that is fine as we all need rest at times.

You are doing so very well!  I am proud of you!



May 26, 2013
7:54 pm
Forum Posts: 3
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May 26, 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hello Diana, my experiences have led me to the writings of others and today I found you.  I'm happy to be thinking of balance once again.  Sincerely, Rachel

May 26, 2013
8:17 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

RachelH said:

Hello Diana, my experiences have led me to the writings of others and today I found you.  I'm happy to be thinking of balance once again.  Sincerely, Rachel

Welcome Rachel!

We are honored to have you here.

Let me know if you have any questions.



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