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September 13, 2011
7:52 am
Forum Posts: 121
Member Since:
August 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hi Diana,

I  don´t want to bother  you now with this issue as you need time to recover from the los of Shadow, so whenever you feel like I wait on your aswer…

As you told me  to do, I asked  the (palm) threes what´s going on, why do I feel that there are not here , absent like…and Yesterday  talked to the cipresses, the long vertical threes..sorry for my bad English!

I may tell you that I started to communicate with threes last summer already, but on a different way. I felt very attracted to some threes and asked them for permission if I could feel they energy.  Then I spreaded my arms in the aire and let go into my handpalms the energy of that three ( I hope I didn´t do somethink wrong like sucking energy of them?), when I felt that my handpalms where “full” , I maked a ball and  spreaded a bit  and then I putted on my had like a crown… Right after that I would change, feel like that particular three, very speciall feeling.. no need to talk staying on one place, happy, peacefull…

So, now for the first time a talked to them and asking…At first they where surprised that a human want to talk with them. I had to get used on such an contact an wait  for response. I saw faces in the threes.

But the answers on my questions where:

We “know”, we are preparing ourselfes for the change, we are going to the other dimension, we can´t speak  and can´t walk away. We accept that we are leaving…


I will talk again with olive three and other plants here around.


When I walk  here, down the streets , the light  during the day is so different than ever before, the sun shines  very bright  and the shadows are falling differently on the threes. Everythink seems different, like there are changes all the time.. 


September 19, 2011
10:23 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:

Hi Diana,

I  don´t want to bother  you now with this issue as you need time to recover from the los of Shadow, so whenever you feel like I wait on your aswer…

As you told me  to do, I asked  the (palm) threes what´s going on, why do I feel that there are not here , absent like…and Yesterday  talked to the cipresses, the long vertical threes..sorry for my bad English!

I may tell you that I started to communicate with threes last summer already, but on a different way. I felt very attracted to some threes and asked them for permission if I could feel they energy.  Then I spreaded my arms in the aire and let go into my handpalms the energy of that three ( I hope I didn´t do somethink wrong like sucking energy of them?), when I felt that my handpalms where “full” , I maked a ball and  spreaded a bit  and then I putted on my had like a crown… Right after that I would change, feel like that particular three, very speciall feeling.. no need to talk staying on one place, happy, peacefull…

So, now for the first time a talked to them and asking…At first they where surprised that a human want to talk with them. I had to get used on such an contact an wait  for response. I saw faces in the threes.

But the answers on my questions where:

We “know”, we are preparing ourselfes for the change, we are going to the other dimension, we can´t speak  and can´t walk away. We accept that we are leaving…


I will talk again with olive three and other plants here around.


When I walk  here, down the streets , the light  during the day is so different than ever before, the sun shines  very bright  and the shadows are falling differently on the threes. Everythink seems different, like there are changes all the time.. 



Talking to Plants is very different than taking their energy into yourself.  When you talk to them, you do it as you would with any other soul.  It is never appropriate to take the energy of another Soul (whether it be a Plant, Animal, or other Species) into yourself.  That makes you an energy vampire.

As your ability to communicate with other species expands, so will your perception.  This is what you are experiencing.  You begin to see in a different manner…in an expanded manner.  You learn to “see” without using your vision only…and the farther you expand the greater your “senses” expand.  They will expand in ways that you do not know now.


September 19, 2011
10:55 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks Diana,


When I asked the plant to feel they energy they never said no.

The reason I did it was that I was wondering how is to be that particular three, plant, stone, bird etc…Mostly I   did only one time  just to get the feeling, experience. I don´t need the energy of other species to feel good.

Today I looked at the  local mountain  called Sleeping Leo and felt attracted to it. He/she wanted to say somethink to me. I never talked to an mountain but I´l try it and see what happends? When some plant or three don´t want to talk to me, then I go away.

But how it is when I  get the permission to feel the  energy of the three? Makes me that an energy vampire?

I give love to the three when I talk with.



September 19, 2011
11:15 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:

Thanks Diana,


When I asked the plant to feel they energy they never said no.

The reason I did it was that I was wondering how is to be that particular three, plant, stone, bird etc…Mostly I   did only one time  just to get the feeling, experience. I don´t need the energy of other species to feel good.

Today I looked at the  local mountain  called Sleeping Leo and felt attracted to it. He/she wanted to say somethink to me. I never talked to an mountain but I´l try it and see what happends? When some plant or three don´t want to talk to me, then I go away.

But how it is when I  get the permission to feel the  energy of the three? Makes me that an energy vampire?

I give love to the three when I talk with.




Feeling their energy is different than taking the energy into yourself.  When you feel the energy, you do so externally.  When you take it into yourself, then to take their energy.  When you feel energy, you are not taking any energy, just feeling it.  Think of it as touching a tree instead of eating the tree.  That is the difference.

Any soul will exercise its right to not talk to you.  If they do that, then you just thank them and leave.

You are doing fine.


September 19, 2011
11:53 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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I am so happy that  you are back to the forum!Laugh

 I forgot to ask you somethink  about when I open the portal

– When I go to  altered state and open the portal  I am afraid that this entity could get true and try to talk with me. I mostly feel that it want to get true the shield and is still trying. 

_ Do I need to open the portal when I talk to the plants, etc.. Untill now I didn´t open. I just got in altered state first.

-The last two days I am doing a “strange ” stoff when I open the portal. Somethink is telling me to make an fuist and press it quiet strong,  then I feel the energy going upstairs to the arms. Then move the fuist to the solar plexus an keep it there. It looks like some exercise from kung fu…. I never did this before?  Later somethink is telling me to move my arms like a bird, so I am doing it , it feels free and helps me to get better circulation in the body. But where is all this coming from? Lately ,the last twoo days I saw some beeings with big black eyes. I am not sure If I invent this? It seems so difficoult to trust what I see. Can I ask to talk to those beeings? I tryed to be neutral till now.


This is a stupid question I knowSmile

-If I would do  sometimes a guided meditation  like  Flower of life, could that cause confusion in my mind? I prefear to do it on the open way , staying neutral when I open, but if I can contribute  with worldwide meditations  for protecting the Earth could that slow down my process I am working on? I  should  not open  the portals when I do the guided meditation?

September 19, 2011
2:31 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

rebeka said:

I am so happy that  you are back to the forum!Laugh

 I forgot to ask you somethink  about when I open the portal

– When I go to  altered state and open the portal  I am afraid that this entity could get true and try to talk with me. I mostly feel that it want to get true the shield and is still trying. 

_ Do I need to open the portal when I talk to the plants, etc.. Untill now I didn´t open. I just got in altered state first.

-The last two days I am doing a “strange ” stoff when I open the portal. Somethink is telling me to make an fuist and press it quiet strong,  then I feel the energy going upstairs to the arms. Then move the fuist to the solar plexus an keep it there. It looks like some exercise from kung fu…. I never did this before?  Later somethink is telling me to move my arms like a bird, so I am doing it , it feels free and helps me to get better circulation in the body. But where is all this coming from? Lately ,the last twoo days I saw some beeings with big black eyes. I am not sure If I invent this? It seems so difficoult to trust what I see. Can I ask to talk to those beeings? I tryed to be neutral till now.


This is a stupid question I knowSmile

-If I would do  sometimes a guided meditation  like  Flower of life, could that cause confusion in my mind? I prefear to do it on the open way , staying neutral when I open, but if I can contribute  with worldwide meditations  for protecting the Earth could that slow down my process I am working on? I  should  not open  the portals when I do the guided meditation?


Opening a portal is like making a door and opening it.  It is external and not internal.  When you form the intent to open the portal, you should either see a “door” in front of you or sense that there is an opening.

I believe that it is your mind/ego attempting to control you when this is happening.  You don't have an entity around you and your obsidian shield is intact.  I suggest that you stop attempting to open a portal for a while and go back and work of letting go of your mind/ego a bit.

When you do a meditation, it need not be guided by anyone.  In fact, I would be suspicious if they required you do it in a certain manner.  You should always be neutral with your shield up when you do any meditation.  Meditation directed at something but done differently is still going to get where you intend it to go.  

No it will not slow down the other things you are doing.

September 19, 2011
3:32 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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Actually I liked to open and go there..r. This is one of the most  happyest moments of a day, when I sit down and close my eyes and go to another place. After I am so fullfilled and see the “reality” in the different way. I feel anyway very happy that you teached me to do this! Kiss

But if you say I should stop open the portal then I´l  follow your advise.

When I opened the portal I felt like I am falling into somethink deep. It felt like I am sucked into.  I didn´t see any door at all, only some vibrating tunnels. Could that come from ego? I deffinitelly feel that when I am in that other space  when I open the portal that this entity or ego  is loosing the power.


Is that bad if you are meditating  and want to get somethink, for example put a Flower of life around the Earth to protect her? Or for example put a Flower of life around yourself and let it spinning? Could that cause harm? Confused

September 19, 2011
4:12 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:



Actually I liked to open and go there..r. This is one of the most  happyest moments of a day, when I sit down and close my eyes and go to another place. After I am so fullfilled and see the “reality” in the different way. I feel anyway very happy that you teached me to do this! Kiss

But if you say I should stop open the portal then I´l  follow your advise.

When I opened the portal I felt like I am falling into somethink deep. It felt like I am sucked into.  I didn´t see any door at all, only some vibrating tunnels. Could that come from ego? I deffinitelly feel that when I am in that other space  when I open the portal that this entity or ego  is loosing the power.


Is that bad if you are meditating  and want to get somethink, for example put a Flower of life around the Earth to protect her? Or for example put a Flower of life around yourself and let it spinning? Could that cause harm? Confused


When you open the portal, you should feel that you are being pulled somewhere.  For someone not used to this sensation, it might feel as though you are “being sucked” somewhere.  That is a fear reaction.  You may not see a door, you just feel the pull.  That is the way it is with me.  This is probably not going to be the same for everyone and the vibrating tunnels may be the way you move in the portal.  Yes, anything on this side of the portal will stay here and not go with you.

You have to decide about how you want to do the meditation.  Putting one around yourself will not harm you.  The Earth is certainly capable of protecting herself.  She has immense power…far more than the sum of all her species.  As long as your intent to positive, you won't do harm.  Just keep your own energy neutral during meditation.


September 21, 2011
8:39 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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I have to tell you. So much happened in the last days. I can´t believe? Surprised I know you told me to talk  at the moment to threes but I can´t stop myself. I  have daily 2-3- hours  for this work and I really like it!Laugh Can I put my questions with the nr. please?

1) I “talked”  Yesterday to the  local Mountain, Earth and some new Threes.

Does the Earth it self has a soul? If yes, as she is big, can she talk to different people at the same time? In beginning I was a bit unsure if is possible to communicate with her, but I tried as I am curious.  She told me amazing stof and I am wondering if I should share this on the Forum? It´s funny but after the talk  I gave her a kiss. Embarassed I am not sure if I am inventing this or is “real” or I am crazy? 

I started to write my experiences in a small book with 3 topics. ( talks with other souls, meditations with open portal and dreams). 


2) When I make contact to other souls ( plants, etc…) I don´t open the portal. Is that right? Only get in to the altered state is importand?


 Also I  went today to the altered state and opened the portal becous I felt the strong inner urge to do it. 

3) When I opened I saw a waterfall and went down with it and came  under the water. There where shapes, rocks, water animals I never saw before..After 30 min. looking around I saw an opening between rocks and went into. After the tunnel I came out on a very peaceful place I know from before when I used to meditate. But I never watched at it like now. Before I used only to concentrate on my breathing. It is feeling of being “there”. is beautiful, peaceful, loving,paradise…. Is this the dimension where we go when we die?




September 21, 2011
10:56 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

rebeka said:



I have to tell you. So much happened in the last days. I can´t believe? Surprised I know you told me to talk  at the moment to threes but I can´t stop myself. I  have daily 2-3- hours  for this work and I really like it!Laugh Can I put my questions with the nr. please?

1) I “talked”  Yesterday to the  local Mountain, Earth and some new Threes.

Does the Earth it self has a soul? If yes, as she is big, can she talk to different people at the same time? In beginning I was a bit unsure if is possible to communicate with her, but I tried as I am curious.  She told me amazing stof and I am wondering if I should share this on the Forum? It´s funny but after the talk  I gave her a kiss. Embarassed I am not sure if I am inventing this or is “real” or I am crazy? 

I started to write my experiences in a small book with 3 topics. ( talks with other souls, meditations with open portal and dreams). 


2) When I make contact to other souls ( plants, etc…) I don´t open the portal. Is that right? Only get in to the altered state is importand?


 Also I  went today to the altered state and opened the portal becous I felt the strong inner urge to do it. 

3) When I opened I saw a waterfall and went down with it and came  under the water. There where shapes, rocks, water animals I never saw before..After 30 min. looking around I saw an opening between rocks and went into. After the tunnel I came out on a very peaceful place I know from before when I used to meditate. But I never watched at it like now. Before I used only to concentrate on my breathing. It is feeling of being “there”. is beautiful, peaceful, loving,paradise…. Is this the dimension where we go when we die?





Yes, the Earth has a soul.  Everything that has energy has a soul.

You do not have to open a portal to make contact with spirits.  You only open a portal if you wish to be pulled outside time and space to a different place.  Where this is is going to be different for each of you.  There is no right or wrong.


September 21, 2011
3:29 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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O. K. Thanks! KissThe Earth has a soul. But I don´t understand if she has one soul? Or can she communicate at the same time with more beings? Can I share with you what she told me? I am not sure if this is really true  as is quiet shocking for me. Could my ego come between and  I could invent when I get a message from  souls  like Earth, Mountain, the See?

If you don´t answer on my question then I think I have to find it myself out. I feel sometimes like a Embarassed kid asking you so manny questions. I have a habit to ask a lot but I think I should find myself the answers.

The only problem is that I am not sure if I could be crazy? 

 Do you have sometimes  the experience that when you communicate with a soul that you get answer for “yes” closing the eyes, smile

and for “no” blink with the eyes?  Is that “normal” ?


Thanks for you help Laugh

September 21, 2011
3:36 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

rebeka said:



O. K. Thanks! KissThe Earth has a soul. But I don´t understand if she has one soul? Or can she communicate at the same time with more beings? Can I share with you what she told me? I am not sure if this is really true  as is quiet shocking for me. Could my ego come between and  I could invent when I get a message from  souls  like Earth, Mountain, the See?

If you don´t answer on my question then I think I have to find it myself out. I feel sometimes like a Embarassed kid asking you so manny questions. I have a habit to ask a lot but I think I should find myself the answers.

The only problem is that I am not sure if I could be crazy? 

 Do you have sometimes  the experience that when you communicate with a soul that you get answer for “yes” closing the eyes, smile

and for “no” blink with the eyes?  Is that “normal” ?


Thanks for you help Laugh


The Earth has one soul, but can communicate with things so quickly that it would appear that She is doing it with more that one thing at the same time.

You have to get over the fear that you are either crazy or not doing this correctly.  That is left over baggage from being in a fear box and you need to address that.

Each of you will receive your answers in different ways…and you have to learn to accept that.  Also, as you become more adept at doing this things will change so be ready for that as well.

…and be patient with yourself.  It may be helpful if you keep a journal of these things and don't read it for a few months…then go back and read it.  I believe you will be astounded.


September 21, 2011
7:02 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks Diana,

YEAH!!!Kiss Wink


September 25, 2011
11:06 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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 I am doing fine, sitting every morning one hour and looking at the screen I see….getting some routine in it. Is like when I practice a new peace on piano. Be very patient and take time. In the afternoon talking with threes..


There is  something what I noticed and would like to ask you for some feedback..

-When I open the portal I feel heat going thru my body.


A couple of days I was on a very beautiful place under the water. The feeling was: I am “there”.

There is a difference between an “open” and “dense” surounding and tunnels. When is open I see light balls and when is dens I feel like I am under the water or in a womb etc…The tunnels are coming and going all the time exept in open space. Sometimes I am getting bored and wonder when wil happend somethink? I am longing to go to that wonderful place. Do I still need to be neutral?

– I noticed that my breathing is getting slower and slower,  when  I sit with close eyes 30 minuts , I breath so slowly that I need 3-4 seconds to exhale and than I have to stop to breath ( for some reason?) wait some seconds before I inhale again. I feel OK with that as I am going in  deep relaxation and feel love all the time. 



September 25, 2011
11:40 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

rebeka said:


 I am doing fine, sitting every morning one hour and looking at the screen I see….getting some routine in it. Is like when I practice a new peace on piano. Be very patient and take time. In the afternoon talking with threes..


There is  something what I noticed and would like to ask you for some feedback..

-When I open the portal I feel heat going thru my body.


A couple of days I was on a very beautiful place under the water. The feeling was: I am “there”.

There is a difference between an “open” and “dense” surounding and tunnels. When is open I see light balls and when is dens I feel like I am under the water or in a womb etc…The tunnels are coming and going all the time exept in open space. Sometimes I am getting bored and wonder when wil happend somethink? I am longing to go to that wonderful place. Do I still need to be neutral?

– I noticed that my breathing is getting slower and slower,  when  I sit with close eyes 30 minuts , I breath so slowly that I need 3-4 seconds to exhale and than I have to stop to breath ( for some reason?) wait some seconds before I inhale again. I feel OK with that as I am going in  deep relaxation and feel love all the time. 




The “light balls” you are seeing are souls.  That is how they appear to me. 

Otherwise, you are doing fine.  Keep up the good work.



September 28, 2011
5:53 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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Can you please see if my shield is OK? I opened this morning, after 40 min. felt like I breath into my brain and  I felt antennas coming out of my head. Then just started to make noises and somethink was talking to me. I am not sure if this was OK? This somehink talked to me for 10 min. Can I trust what I'v been told?

I hope I don't get in troubbles again? Confused


Generally I feel very peacefull, loving full of trust…My brain feels like working on high tour….



September 29, 2011
10:55 am
Forum Posts: 121
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When I opened this morning I saw a different shaped beeings with long head. Some where conic. Could be Elian?

Then I started to talk again. But it seemed that they where taking with me true my voice. I write down raughly what I remember: I won't hurt you, i am coming to help, I am concerned, want to give you a ship . Do you want to come to visit our ship?…


I refused to go and told that i need to think about all that. This being who called himself THAYT told me that I could communicate better with him if I would have something in my brain what pigeons have. He could put this in my head it would  not hurt. I dont know why but I said OK. The whole conversation was a big surprise for me! LOL.Surprised  Then I felt somethink happened on the top on my head, it didn't hurt but I definitelly feel something new is there inside.  So I hope I am not really in the troubles?


Love, RLaugh

September 29, 2011
2:49 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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rebeka said:


When I opened this morning I saw a different shaped beeings with long head. Some where conic. Could be Elian?

Then I started to talk again. But it seemed that they where taking with me true my voice. I write down raughly what I remember: I won't hurt you, i am coming to help, I am concerned, want to give you a ship . Do you want to come to visit our ship?…


I refused to go and told that i need to think about all that. This being who called himself THAYT told me that I could communicate better with him if I would have something in my brain what pigeons have. He could put this in my head it would  not hurt. I dont know why but I said OK. The whole conversation was a big surprise for me! LOL.Surprised  Then I felt somethink happened on the top on my head, it didn't hurt but I definitelly feel something new is there inside.  So I hope I am not really in the troubles?


Love, RLaugh


You don't need anything in your head to communicate with anything because you are communicating soul-to-soul.

I would not allow anything to be put in or on me by anything.


September 29, 2011
2:54 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:



Can you please see if my shield is OK? I opened this morning, after 40 min. felt like I breath into my brain and  I felt antennas coming out of my head. Then just started to make noises and somethink was talking to me. I am not sure if this was OK? This somehink talked to me for 10 min. Can I trust what I'v been told?

I hope I don't get in troubbles again? Confused


Generally I feel very peacefull, loving full of trust…My brain feels like working on high tour….




Your shield is fine.

You are going to encounter all sorts of species that are not from Earth and you have to get used to communicating with them without fear.

I would not allow anything to be put in my body by anything…Human or otherwise.

Since your shield is up, whatever was put in you had to be neutral.


September 30, 2011
6:10 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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I am so sorry to bother you with this again but something went wrong Yesterday evening while I visited a friend. I entered her house and felt a lot of energy of beings not from Earth. I was curieouse  and went into meditation, opened the portal very soon and some voice was talking true me strait away. I did not wait 30 min. first  to get into a deeper state as usually. After channeling for a while I felt this sounds like this entity and asked if it was her. She told me yes. I stopped and was thinking how can I sort it out? It was about 20.00 in the evening (European time). I taught  to protect myself with putting the Ob. shield right now  by myself. I did put an Ob. panty on my whole body. Diana, when you looked at my shield, it was after this hour?

This morning  I took  plenty of time for meditation, opened the portal, and then Thayt, this being talked to me. Than suddenly this entity appeared and it was a kind of fight. Thayt  commanded strongly the other one many times to leave my body. But it did,t want to leave. I was just a testimonial of the  conversation.It was great to feel that somebody was helping me. When Thait wanted to say me something this entity tryed to come between but could not make it, Thayt was laughing at her. I had a nice talk to Thayt but when he went away I heard this entity saying. Great! I had such a good meal, I am so full.


-Did I wrapped myself Yesterday together with this entity  inside of the shield ?

I remember in beginning when I started to meditate and opened the portal , this entity lost the power and could not come with me.

– Can I put the Ob. shield again so that this entity is excluded?

-That think in my had, can I remove it?


Thanks a lotKiss


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