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destroying of the Earth?
October 19, 2014
8:09 am
Forum Posts: 121
Member Since:
August 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Dear friends,


I have to share this, don't know why but it feels so important. Since 1 month I feel that some individuals decided to do something really bad, it feels like they did a decision to destroy the Earth. When I contemplate about it I see our planet in grey colour without life on it.

Also I think on dead like a friend to me, a relieve and going home….


For the rest is my life  ok, have a good job, lot of nice people around me, but feel strange as I told you and am wondering if you have the same? Somehow it feels that I am also responsible for what is happening…


Diana, how is your arm? Hope you are well and I am looking forward to hear from you…


Hugs to allKiss


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