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Daximil's Deck of Cards
July 24, 2012
4:57 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Scarab – Defense

Eagle – Sight/Soaring


Fly high in safety!

/hugs for all.  :)

July 24, 2012
5:40 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Daximil said:

Scarab – Defense

Eagle – Sight/Soaring


Fly high in safety!


Great.  Now do it again.

Can you see the spirit of the animal sitting on the deck yet?  If not, keep on doing it as you will…promise.



July 31, 2012
11:49 am
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Interesting reading.


Scorpion – Swiftness, Fleet footedness

Clown Fish – Happiness, Family, Protected by stingers.


Getting lots of “You're protected, so move swiftly” messages.


Second Reading.


Dog – Loyalty

Squirrel – Storage, Safety

“Prepare for the coming events.”

/hugs for all.  :)

August 3, 2012
8:16 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Daximil said:

Interesting reading.


Scorpion – Swiftness, Fleet footedness

Clown Fish – Happiness, Family, Protected by stingers.


Getting lots of “You're protected, so move swiftly” messages.


Second Reading.


Dog – Loyalty

Squirrel – Storage, Safety

“Prepare for the coming events.”


Very good.  Take those cards out of the deck and do it again.

Are you seeing the animal sitting on the card (in spirit form) yet?



August 9, 2012
4:12 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Grrr.  My computer lost power right before I hit “Post New Reply” so lets see if I can reproduce what I was about to post.



Snail-Shell, Slow, In the Garden

“Move forward, you are protected.  Find nature.”


Sun Fish-Love, Concern

Shark-Wisdom, Dominant Hunter

“Your actions have both Love and Wisdom. You are the Hunter, not the hunted.”


Bat-Night Vision/Sound, Flight in the Dark


“Darkness surrounds you.  Take a strong leap of faith.”


I did not see any of these spirits on the deck of cards, though I did see camel.

/hugs for all.  :)

August 9, 2012
4:16 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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….and I just realized I had no Camel card in my deck, so it's been added.

/hugs for all.  :)

August 13, 2012
6:30 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Daximil said:

….and I just realized I had no Camel card in my deck, so it's been added.

Very, very good.

Camel wanted to be included and it showed itself to you!!!!!

Woo-hoo!!!!  Progress is being made.

Keep on doing it…you are doing great.  Be sure to take the cards you have used out of the deck and do it again.  Multiple readings are fine at this point (like you did above).




August 30, 2012
1:50 am
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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I spent about 15 minutes meditating on the deck before doing this tonight.  While meditating I happened to be sitting next to a window and when I got up I heard something running away.  When I looked out the window I saw a small herd of about 5-7 deer.  I thanked them for letting me see them and two of them stayed to graze awhile as the others left. 

Anyway, on the the reading.  Smile


Horse- Steadiness and Steadfastness

Beetle- Colorful

Rabbit- Base of the food chain, “First you must catch me.”

Naked Mole Rat- Surprise, Unexpected

Prairie Dog- Family, Colonies, Warning


“Be strong and steadfast.  Remember that you are dealing with powerful forces so you must be crafty.  Let your friends warn you of problems.”


Stegosaurus- Powerful defenses, the herd

Wasp- Hunter, Thankfulness, Anger, Sting

Praying Mantis- Focus, Hunter, Succession

King Snake- Gardens, Baseless fear

Bigfoot- Knowledge, Wisdom


“You are strong and must be the hunter.  Anger has been a problem for you, but you're doing the right thing. Don't give into baseless fear.  Rely on your wisdom.”


Tyrannosaurus Rex- Harvesting

Dolphin- Fast Intelligence, Charm

Eagle- Sight, Soaring

Cricket- Joyful family spirit, Singing

Coyote- Orneriness


“The coming days will require you to adapt to your surroundings.  Pay attentions.  Stay joyful and keep your sense of humor about you.”

/hugs for all.  :)

September 5, 2012
4:07 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Daximil said:

I spent about 15 minutes meditating on the deck before doing this tonight.  While meditating I happened to be sitting next to a window and when I got up I heard something running away.  When I looked out the window I saw a small herd of about 5-7 deer.  I thanked them for letting me see them and two of them stayed to graze awhile as the others left. 

Anyway, on the the reading.  Smile


Horse- Steadiness and Steadfastness

Beetle- Colorful

Rabbit- Base of the food chain, “First you must catch me.”

Naked Mole Rat- Surprise, Unexpected

Prairie Dog- Family, Colonies, Warning


“Be strong and steadfast.  Remember that you are dealing with powerful forces so you must be crafty.  Let your friends warn you of problems.”


Stegosaurus- Powerful defenses, the herd

Wasp- Hunter, Thankfulness, Anger, Sting

Praying Mantis- Focus, Hunter, Succession

King Snake- Gardens, Baseless fear

Bigfoot- Knowledge, Wisdom


“You are strong and must be the hunter.  Anger has been a problem for you, but you're doing the right thing. Don't give into baseless fear.  Rely on your wisdom.”


Tyrannosaurus Rex- Harvesting

Dolphin- Fast Intelligence, Charm

Eagle- Sight, Soaring

Cricket- Joyful family spirit, Singing

Coyote- Orneriness


“The coming days will require you to adapt to your surroundings.  Pay attentions.  Stay joyful and keep your sense of humor about you.”


You are doing great.  Take those cards out and do it again.  Are you seeing the animal sitting on the card yet?  If not, just keep doing it and you will.  I promise.

That was an amazing encounter with Deer.  I love Deer and its gentleness.




September 22, 2012
8:15 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Rhinoceros- Ingenuity

Butterfly- Cycles/being cyclic

Hummingbird- Fast/Strong/Hovering/Nectar

Horseshoe Crab- Help/give aid

Eel- Honor Society

(Saw a herring sitting on the deck.)


“Aid others in the coming turbulence.”


I'm not yet seeing the animals of the cards I'm about to draw.  Still working on it though.  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

September 26, 2012
6:44 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Daximil said:

Rhinoceros- Ingenuity

Butterfly- Cycles/being cyclic

Hummingbird- Fast/Strong/Hovering/Nectar

Horseshoe Crab- Help/give aid

Eel- Honor Society

(Saw a herring sitting on the deck.)


“Aid others in the coming turbulence.”


I'm not yet seeing the animals of the cards I'm about to draw.  Still working on it though.  🙂


That was perfect.  You need to keep doing this until you begin to see the animal on the card.  You will with time, I promise.

Do it again.

Are you seeing any animals in spirit at all?



October 30, 2012
2:34 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Sheep- Trapezoidal Features

Owl- Seeing in the Darkness

Polar Bear- Help Others

Rattlesnake- Fast Strike, Warning, Dry Country

Dragonfly- Nighttime


“Seeing what cannot be seen.  There is a darkness ahead (In terms of vision) that must be seen through.”


An interesting draw of the deck.


My Astral vision has been rather spotty, to say the least.  I've been seeing animals on the deck, but they haven't coincided with the cards being drawn.  I saw a raccoon and the glimpses of another animal while drawing cards this time, for example.  It has been frustrating and I'll admit that it's affected my resolve.  I am not saying that I'm giving up, however.  It did occur to me that this card's message for the day might be in reference to my astral vision.  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

November 4, 2012
3:25 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Daximil said:

Sheep- Trapezoidal Features

Owl- Seeing in the Darkness

Polar Bear- Help Others

Rattlesnake- Fast Strike, Warning, Dry Country

Dragonfly- Nighttime


“Seeing what cannot be seen.  There is a darkness ahead (In terms of vision) that must be seen through.”


An interesting draw of the deck.


My Astral vision has been rather spotty, to say the least.  I've been seeing animals on the deck, but they haven't coincided with the cards being drawn.  I saw a raccoon and the glimpses of another animal while drawing cards this time, for example.  It has been frustrating and I'll admit that it's affected my resolve.  I am not saying that I'm giving up, however.  It did occur to me that this card's message for the day might be in reference to my astral vision.  🙂


You are doing great.  At least you are beginning to see animals on the deck.  That is a huge step forward.

Remember to be patient and don't give up because you are moving and this does take time.  It happens faster when you don't push it to happen.  I know that sounds odd, but its true.  It has to do with the static that frustration throws up in the way that causes it to slow down.

In the meantime, keep on truckin'….Kiss

Sorry it took so long to answer this but I have been feeling poorly for a few weeks and also have been working with the animals from the storm.



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