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(1)The Physical and Spiritual Aspects of Our Lives
July 3, 2011
6:20 pm
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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July 3, 2011
10:33 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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It is very important that you listen to these audios interviews in the order in which they were done.  I am discussing fundamental topics in order.

Think of it as walking up a flight of stairs.  Each interview is one step.

Even if you feel you already know the subject matter, it will benefit you to listen to each one.

The interviews are listed in order with the first one at the top.  

If you do not feel that you have accomplished a step.  Remain there until you understand it and are able to do what is contained in the interview.  I will try and help you if you have problems or have questions to ask about each one.

After listening to the interview, some of you will already know the step.  Then proceed to the next one.  The next step is titled: LETTING GO OF FEAR AND EGO/PARANOIA.

If you do not do this, you will not be able to succeed as the steps become more advanced and take more time to master.

I have tried to do this in a very orderly manner to help you get to the end result which is beyond vibration.

We are honored that you have found your way to this website.  

You will not be disappointed.



August 11, 2011
7:42 am

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Wasn't sure where to post this question, so picked this topic 😉


We are in the middle of mercury retrograde once again, and I am definitely experiencing effects, as are my business, home environment and electronics Surprised.

My question is this: Is the soul immune to these energetic influences, ie is it purely a physical 3D phenomenon?

Another way to put this: Do you personally find astrological (and other) influences affect your own journeying?


This also brings up the comment you made to me some time ago about energy centers being all about mind/ego (i.e chakras etc). Perhaps you could clarify that a bit, as I am struggling with mind/bod/ego being in the same box as energetic sensations and feelings and totally distinct from the soul.

Perhaps this is more of my mind/ego fighting for it's corner, but I really have trouble divorcing energetic 'work' from soul 'work', especially as the shifting of focus from physical experiences to energetic experiences seems to be helping me so much with the process I am learning from you.

Thanks Wink

August 11, 2011
3:50 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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RogerT said:

Wasn't sure where to post this question, so picked this topic 😉


We are in the middle of mercury retrograde once again, and I am definitely experiencing effects, as are my business, home environment and electronics Surprised.

My question is this: Is the soul immune to these energetic influences, ie is it purely a physical 3D phenomenon?

Another way to put this: Do you personally find astrological (and other) influences affect your own journeying?


This also brings up the comment you made to me some time ago about energy centers being all about mind/ego (i.e chakras etc). Perhaps you could clarify that a bit, as I am struggling with mind/bod/ego being in the same box as energetic sensations and feelings and totally distinct from the soul.

Perhaps this is more of my mind/ego fighting for it's corner, but I really have trouble divorcing energetic 'work' from soul 'work', especially as the shifting of focus from physical experiences to energetic experiences seems to be helping me so much with the process I am learning from you.

Thanks Wink


No, I do not personally find astrological (or other) influences affect my ability to do soul work such as entering an altered state, etc., because that work is done in my soul.

Would I sign a contract during a Mercury retrograde?  No, because that is something that is taking place in the physical world.  

Remember you can have a box within a box within a box.  So when you get out of one box, you find that you are immediately inside another box.  Think of it as the layers on a Onion.  You have to peel them away (open the box) one layer (box) at a time until they are all opened (gone).  Begin with the most obvious ones, which will be physical (mind/ego) related.  Once you get those gone, then begin on the energetic ones.  You are probably going to find that you will believe you have taken care of all the ones that are physical only to have it pop up again in the middle of the energy work.  Don't panic.  Just recognize it for what it is, open the lid, and climb out.  The more you do this, the easier it becomes.

The soul is pure energy.  There are a lot of other energetic things that can/are influencing you as well.  What you are learning is to recognize the difference between them.

Your next question might well be:  How do I tell the difference or how do I recognize my soul?

There is a place deep within you that you go to when times seem hopeless.  It is that spark that when you get down/depressed/grief-stricken/etc. that you grasp onto as your last lifeline.  That spark is your soul.  Once you become more familiar with how to access that place and what it feels like, you will have less and less problems getting to it.  Soon, it will be easy to recognize your soul apart from any other energies you feel.  It feels unique.

Did that help answer your questions?  If not, let me know and I will give it another shot.

In the meantime, peel the onion…one layer/box at a time.



August 11, 2011
4:02 pm

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Great reply as always Diana, thanks.

August 11, 2011
4:51 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Great answer to Roger T  post .  That shift I mentioned , felt like going side ways , does that happen when you're centered and balanced??

August 11, 2011
5:03 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Yes, it can.  Remember you are a 360 degree soul.


August 11, 2011
5:39 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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When I 'm in an altered state..  this happens sometimes it  doesn't last long because I get distracted . after the tunnel seems to disapear and it's like a gray empty  space , is this supposed to happen ? This is not a scary place just quiet . I will keep trying Smile

August 12, 2011
10:55 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:


When I 'm in an altered state..  this happens sometimes it  doesn't last long because I get distracted . after the tunnel seems to disapear and it's like a gray empty  space , is this supposed to happen ? This is not a scary place just quiet . I will keep trying Smile


Does this happen after you get distracted or before?

If it is afterwards, just sit there and see if you can begin to feel the pull.

When I first started doing this, this would happen right before I felt the pull.

If you find that you are concentrating on the empty space, your mind/ego has slipped its sneaky self back in.

Just let go, sit in the quiet place, and feel the pull.

Keep trying.  You are getting there.



August 12, 2011
1:18 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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 You are soooo!!!! right when you say this is hard to do . It is for me but I’m pluggging alongSmile I hope that other members will begin to post about how their getting along trying this method.

August 12, 2011
1:41 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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You are really doing fine.  I told you it takes patience and it does.  Most people just don't have the patience to do real spiritual work.


October 22, 2011
7:43 pm
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

hi Diana I have just listened to all 7 recordings in order…. thank you


can you describe this 'pull' in any more detail…. when its likely to be experienced how its experienced, neutral intent and being centered being achieved is this pull before or after opening a portal? In your experience do you find focusing on ones breath helps to transcend fear?


thanks Alisun

October 22, 2011
10:16 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Alisun said:

hi Diana I have just listened to all 7 recordings in order…. thank you


can you describe this 'pull' in any more detail…. when its likely to be experienced how its experienced, neutral intent and being centered being achieved is this pull before or after opening a portal? In your experience do you find focusing on ones breath helps to transcend fear?


thanks Alisun


Good for you for listening to them all.  I am going to do more very soon.  Had a crashed laptop to deal with this past week, but that seems to be fixed now.

First you form neutral intent, surround yourself with your Obsidian protection field (make sure this field is OUTSIDE of your soul and its energy field), form the intent to open the portal and step through it.  It is then you will feel the tug.  It is very subtle for me.  It is like your heart/soul is being pulled into the unknown.  This is where you have to have conquered the fear because if you feel fear while doing this, it will not succeed as it should.

In that case, you need to go back to the audio on facing and overcoming fear of the unknown.  Remember the unknown is not bad or evil, it is just unknown to your bank of experiences.  Granted, it does take courage and faith in your soul to achieve this but this is what I am trying so hard to get everyone to do.  Lose the fear element so you can progress into the wonders that are now unknown to you, but will shortly be part of your soul and you will be comfortable doing this.  Each time you do it, you are building a bank of knowledge that your soul incorporates thus getting the fear gone.

Once that is accomplished, the universe is your oyster.

It is unfortunate that in our society, we are deluged with all these things that are meant to keep us in fear mode and afraid to look outward.  The seat of that fear lies in your mind/ego which wishes to control what the heart/soul can learn.  So you have to learn to climb out of the fear boxes (and there may be many boxes for you…and you have to climb out of them one at a time).  After all, one can't expect to just leave all of these ingrained fears quickly.  Just getting rid of them will serve you well.

Just remember that fear kills path growth and soul growth.

In answer to your last question, I un-focus.  I do not focus on anything other than my intent to open the portal.  If you are focusing on something, then you will not be free to feel the tug and follow it because your focus is not on doing that, but what you are focusing on.

Let me know if this helped you any.  Questions are always welcome and if I wasn't clear enough, I will give it another go.



October 23, 2011
4:42 am
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
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that was most helpful Diana, thanks… I have been meditating in many forms for years and have found to access a place I call 'bliss' its where I am not aware of my physical body, any form of emotion or thought all I 'feel or sense' is that I am one with the universe. Often I visibly see the stars and universe its like flying through the universe, sometimes I just sense blissful peace. I haven't felt a pull more of a sinking surrender…. a release? Wow its hard to describe the experience.


Ther are times I see eyes or animal faces quite often a whirling black, purple revolving hole… the latter draws me to it and I want to go thru and I am understanding I have never had a clear sense of neutral intent or intent to open and step thru a portal. Guess I am yet to move past my fears.

Since 2004 when I was given David Carson and Jamie Samms Medicine Cards I have felt a profound connection to animal guides. In the 3d world I always allow animals and small children to give me permission to 'enter their space'. Just last night whilst alone in a big ol' house I am new to, during an electrical storm them ol's fears came risin' on up!!Frown My friends cat Pinky never left myside until I fell asleep!

I am in total agreement with you that connecting with natures elements and species has a profound affect on our being.


I am soon to create an online radio show for http://www.openlounge.org and would love to interview you on Skype if you would like to. Whenever is an appropriate time perhaps you can let me know


Respectfully Alisun

October 25, 2011
5:51 pm
Forum Posts: 9
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August 15, 2011
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Hi Diana 

I am a close friend of Roger T who made me aware of your work and of course recommended your site. I have been viewing some of the posts and feel ready now to step in and participate.

Firstly an admission that slowed down my progress I started at step 6 of your audio's (Dumb move I know). I have since gone back to number 1 and followed them in order. Intend to go through the audio's again (slow learner) and come back with questions on how to set an intent to open a portal from a place of already creating a neutral intent.

However feel I have got myself in a bit of a muddle and require some of your crystal clarity on Animal spirits.

I have a deep connection to Gorillas (since the age of 5, now 48 and the passion has never left me) by association to Open lounge (the site Alisun refers to in her post above) I have created a project to put my passion into http://www.openlounge.org/silverback/overview/


A recent article I wrote is part copied below and I would really appreciate your feedback to my conclusion regarding option 4 I refer to, which came from my interpretation (or possible miss-interpretation) of what you have said regarding animal spirits leaving this world in there thousands.


This part below is copied from the article.        


Over the last twenty-five years the worldwide Gorilla population has been reduced from over 1 million, to just over 100,000. A reduction of around 90%. So what are the major causes for such a drastic reduction in their numbers?

These are the three main causes;

1. Their natural environment is being destroyed

2. The Bush meat trade

3. The Ebola Virus  

Let us take a further look into each of the causes. At this point I would like to add a point of importance to me in this moment. My rational thoughts and thinking mind have been greatly hampered of late in attempting to come to terms with something I am adding into this explainnation and conversation. 

 ** A fourth spiritual option has been slipped into my awareness recently

4. The Gorillas are allowing themselves to be caught and eventually murdered as they have a higher connection to their spirit and intuitive knowing than we humans have evolved to as yet.

This has provided the Gorillas two benefits:

1. They get to go live in an alternative dimension which is pure heaven on earth via a portal into a “New Earth”, the reason they do this,

2. Is to bring into humanities awareness a clarity of picture that will end forever the need of another human, head, body, or hands to cold heartley murder another god like creation on this earth again.

October 25, 2011
7:42 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Alisun said:

that was most helpful Diana, thanks… I have been meditating in many forms for years and have found to access a place I call 'bliss' its where I am not aware of my physical body, any form of emotion or thought all I 'feel or sense' is that I am one with the universe. Often I visibly see the stars and universe its like flying through the universe, sometimes I just sense blissful peace. I haven't felt a pull more of a sinking surrender…. a release? Wow its hard to describe the experience.


Ther are times I see eyes or animal faces quite often a whirling black, purple revolving hole… the latter draws me to it and I want to go thru and I am understanding I have never had a clear sense of neutral intent or intent to open and step thru a portal. Guess I am yet to move past my fears.

Since 2004 when I was given David Carson and Jamie Samms Medicine Cards I have felt a profound connection to animal guides. In the 3d world I always allow animals and small children to give me permission to 'enter their space'. Just last night whilst alone in a big ol' house I am new to, during an electrical storm them ol's fears came risin' on up!!Frown My friends cat Pinky never left myside until I fell asleep!

I am in total agreement with you that connecting with natures elements and species has a profound affect on our being.


I am soon to create an online radio show for http://www.openlounge.org and would love to interview you on Skype if you would like to. Whenever is an appropriate time perhaps you can let me know


Respectfully Alisun


You are correct that it is very difficult to write what happens in Human language because it is woefully inadequate.  Smile

Each of you will do this as you should.  It sounds to me as though you are doing quite well.  The state of bliss that you describe is like it is with me.  A few people came into this Life Path with greater awareness than others.  I suspect you may be one of them.

I have a question for you.  When you are in this state of bliss, are you aware that you are no longer vibrating?  If you aren't sure, try and see if that is the case.  I was not aware that I had stopped vibrating until some time after it happened because it never occurred to me that this would happen.  When I realized it, it was like “Whoa! That is major!” Then I went beyond vibration soon after that.

Try and work on the fear thing.  Learning to put the wrap around you and forming neutral intent with help with that.  It takes time to get rid of the fears that our society has put on us so please keep working on that.

When you are not longer afraid to do so, try going through that hole.  I believe that what you become aware of will knock your socks off.

Cats are amazing, no matter what size they are.  They are great protectors when one is afraid of something.

I would be honored to be interviewed by you via Skype.  I will not be able to do it until late next week due to commitments until then…but am free after that.


October 25, 2011
7:57 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Bertie said:

Hi Diana 

I am a close friend of Roger T who made me aware of your work and of course recommended your site. I have been viewing some of the posts and feel ready now to step in and participate.

Firstly an admission that slowed down my progress I started at step 6 of your audio's (Dumb move I know). I have since gone back to number 1 and followed them in order. Intend to go through the audio's again (slow learner) and come back with questions on how to set an intent to open a portal from a place of already creating a neutral intent.

However feel I have got myself in a bit of a muddle and require some of your crystal clarity on Animal spirits.

I have a deep connection to Gorillas (since the age of 5, now 48 and the passion has never left me) by association to Open lounge (the site Alisun refers to in her post above) I have created a project to put my passion into http://www.openlounge.org/silverback/overview/


A recent article I wrote is part copied below and I would really appreciate your feedback to my conclusion regarding option 4 I refer to, which came from my interpretation (or possible miss-interpretation) of what you have said regarding animal spirits leaving this world in there thousands.


This part below is copied from the article.        


Over the last twenty-five years the worldwide Gorilla population has been reduced from over 1 million, to just over 100,000. A reduction of around 90%. So what are the major causes for such a drastic reduction in their numbers?

These are the three main causes;

1. Their natural environment is being destroyed

2. The Bush meat trade

3. The Ebola Virus  

Let us take a further look into each of the causes. At this point I would like to add a point of importance to me in this moment. My rational thoughts and thinking mind have been greatly hampered of late in attempting to come to terms with something I am adding into this explainnation and conversation. 

 ** A fourth spiritual option has been slipped into my awareness recently

4. The Gorillas are allowing themselves to be caught and eventually murdered as they have a higher connection to their spirit and intuitive knowing than we humans have evolved to as yet.

This has provided the Gorillas two benefits:

1. They get to go live in an alternative dimension which is pure heaven on earth via a portal into a “New Earth”, the reason they do this,

2. Is to bring into humanities awareness a clarity of picture that will end forever the need of another human, head, body, or hands to cold heartley murder another god like creation on this earth again.


Welcome to the forum.  It is nice to see you posting.

You were not alone in jumping to number six in the audios.  We posted them and then I watched everyone jump to number six (as I was pounding my head on the laptop keyboard going “No! Do them in order!  It won't work unless you do them in order!  Laugh)  So don't feel alone in that.

I believe that listening to the audios over again with help you…and doesn't mean that you are a slow learner by any means.  This step of understanding the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives is very important to be successful in the other ones.

Goodness, do you ever have a connection to Gorilla!  It was in my face as soon as I started reading your post…before I even got to the Gorilla part.  I love Gorillas.

You are correct that they have chosen to leave Earth and ascend.  In doing so, they decided to try and teach the dumb Humans about how not to treat Animals.  It is a lesson we still do not seem to grasp…at least most Humans.

Many, many species of animals and plants have chosen to do this.  It began quite a few years ago as they saw what was going to happen here on Earth.  They are far ahead of us on the spiritual plane.

I don't know if I posted my other website: http://www.animalspirits.com 

It contains the teachings of over 300 animals and is the largest website pertaining to animal spirits on the web. It has had over 2 million 700,000 hits since I began it in 1998.

I have a deck of animal spirits cards that the animal spirits directed the making of that have many of the animals that other decks do not have.  Anyone can make their own deck using decks of playing cards.  A homemade deck is very powerful because your energy and the energy of each animal is tied together.

If there is interest in it, I can do a post and tell you all how to do it.  Just let me know.

Also, if you have any other questions, just let me know.


October 26, 2011
2:05 am
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

just had a peek at your http://www.animalspirits.com and boy am I going to have fun on there! 🙂


Right now I am working with Wolf medicine so no suprise I am attracting the teachers that I need right now


Also Whale has been swimming into my consciousness more often and something tells me that through the ancient form of sharing wisdom – story telling, I may have finally found my life purpose.


I would love to have a Skype conference call and interview with you and a lady I know you will also resonate with, Marysol Gonzales Stirling, who like you is a Beacon of Light and Speaker of Shadows – and not many people have this wisdom


great to be in your world Diana and I thank you for what you have already shared



October 26, 2011
5:48 am
Forum Posts: 9
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August 15, 2011
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Thank you so much for your warm response. Not sure why, but I sorted of expected a telling off so with your reply being so gentle and supportive I feel ready to go deeper into your comments.

For sure I will review audios 1-7 in order and come back with feedback, comments and plenty of questions (those who know me will be either smiling or saying oh no, not more questions!).

I am fascinated what you picked up in me about my connection to Gorilla. I have felt it so strong since I was 5, so your feedback would be incredibly valuable.   

From the age of Five (5) I have visited zoos across the UK and USA (Dallas, San Diego, New York) specifically to spend time with Gorillas. Without doubt the most rewarding experience has been via The Aspinall Foundation founded which houses two wildlife parks Howletts and Port Lympne (both in Kent UK) founded by the late John Aspinall 

Since 1975, when John Aspinall (1926 – 2000) opened Howletts to the public, they have continued and developed their mission to breed rare and endangered species and to return them to the wild.

The Aspinall Foundation is a world leader in animal husbandry and conservation and has to date returned gorillas, black rhino, Przewalski’s horses, cape buffalo, ocelots, and pythons to protected areas of their ancestral homelands.  They also manage two African gorilla rescue and rehabilitation projects situated in approximately one million acres of rainforest in Congo & Gabon, as well as a programme to protect one of the most threatened of all lemur species, the Greater Bamboo Lemur, in Madagascar. The Aspinall Foundation also contributes to several other conservation projects around the world.

My “Gorilla project” I talked about in my previous post has already developed some momentum with two meetings with Adrian Harland, Director of the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park. In my last hour meeting in September this year I discussed the concept of Gorillas leaving this earth by choice for the reasons discussed in my last post.

This was met with some resistance and high levels of doubt (which was to be expected to a point). However I would love your input or advice on how best to respond to the following part of a recent email I received via Adrian last week.

 “I have visited the Open Lounge but am afraid I do not agree with your idea of gorillas willingly going to slaughter. It is a brave theory but flies in the face of Darwinian “survival of the fittest”. More importantly it assumes a level of intelligence, and spirituality, that I can not see in gorillas. Although they are caring family animals for the most part they are driven by food. I think there is more chance of “spirituality”manifesting itself in a species such as dolphins where there is a history of altruistic actions. Who knows for sure? I recall the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the genius mice that were testing humans by assessing the mazes we could produce to run the mice through!”

Of course I have a view on his reply but believe I would benefit from any additional feedback or sense that you have Diana. 

Yes I have checked out your other website animalspirits.com but being very single minded and selfish at this point my focus and energy is very much Gorilla.

I would however love to know how to create my own Gorilla deck or at least get input and spirit of Gorilla, so thanks for offering to post on the possibility of using our own energy to create a homemade deck.

Thanks again Diana

Much Love Peace and Respect

Steve xx 

October 26, 2011
7:21 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
Member Since:
June 21, 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Bertie said:


Thank you so much for your warm response. Not sure why, but I sorted of expected a telling off so with your reply being so gentle and supportive I feel ready to go deeper into your comments.

For sure I will review audios 1-7 in order and come back with feedback, comments and plenty of questions (those who know me will be either smiling or saying oh no, not more questions!).

I am fascinated what you picked up in me about my connection to Gorilla. I have felt it so strong since I was 5, so your feedback would be incredibly valuable.   

From the age of Five (5) I have visited zoos across the UK and USA (Dallas, San Diego, New York) specifically to spend time with Gorillas. Without doubt the most rewarding experience has been via The Aspinall Foundation founded which houses two wildlife parks Howletts and Port Lympne (both in Kent UK) founded by the late John Aspinall 

Since 1975, when John Aspinall (1926 – 2000) opened Howletts to the public, they have continued and developed their mission to breed rare and endangered species and to return them to the wild.

The Aspinall Foundation is a world leader in animal husbandry and conservation and has to date returned gorillas, black rhino, Przewalski’s horses, cape buffalo, ocelots, and pythons to protected areas of their ancestral homelands.  They also manage two African gorilla rescue and rehabilitation projects situated in approximately one million acres of rainforest in Congo & Gabon, as well as a programme to protect one of the most threatened of all lemur species, the Greater Bamboo Lemur, in Madagascar. The Aspinall Foundation also contributes to several other conservation projects around the world.

My “Gorilla project” I talked about in my previous post has already developed some momentum with two meetings with Adrian Harland, Director of the Port Lympne Wild Animal Park. In my last hour meeting in September this year I discussed the concept of Gorillas leaving this earth by choice for the reasons discussed in my last post.

This was met with some resistance and high levels of doubt (which was to be expected to a point). However I would love your input or advice on how best to respond to the following part of a recent email I received via Adrian last week.

 “I have visited the Open Lounge but am afraid I do not agree with your idea of gorillas willingly going to slaughter. It is a brave theory but flies in the face of Darwinian “survival of the fittest”. More importantly it assumes a level of intelligence, and spirituality, that I can not see in gorillas. Although they are caring family animals for the most part they are driven by food. I think there is more chance of “spirituality”manifesting itself in a species such as dolphins where there is a history of altruistic actions. Who knows for sure? I recall the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the genius mice that were testing humans by assessing the mazes we could produce to run the mice through!”

Of course I have a view on his reply but believe I would benefit from any additional feedback or sense that you have Diana. 

Yes I have checked out your other website animalspirits.com but being very single minded and selfish at this point my focus and energy is very much Gorilla.

I would however love to know how to create my own Gorilla deck or at least get input and spirit of Gorilla, so thanks for offering to post on the possibility of using our own energy to create a homemade deck.

Thanks again Diana

Much Love Peace and Respect

Steve xx 


I have no doubt as to your very strong connection with Gorilla.  It came so fast to me.  It is also protecting you.

Adrian has a purely scientific and Human view of other animals.  In that view, Humans are the only ones that have a spiritual conscientiousness, including the ability to perceive their futures.  All animals and plants reside in a place of lower conscientiousness to these scientific people.

Of course Gorillas are driven by the need for food and water.  Every species on Earth, including Humans, are driven by that need.  They die before their time if they don't.  This is part of the physical side of life on Earth.

I hold a university degree in Biology and worked as a Chemist for over 27 years so I understand how scientists think.  Due to the need to gain financial assistance for research and in his case, funds to help the animals, he needs to tow the line in how he responds to your type of understanding.  If it were me, I would just drop that part of the subject with him for now.  You will have to bite your tongue because you know better.  Smile

I would not even spend much time on trying to convert his thinking in this area.  It is sufficient that you understand it.  Darwinism has many flaws in it and even though it is used as the basis of biology it doesn't completely hold up…nor does the Bible view.  

I have had to do this with the scientists that I have had contact with over the years.  I have found that having a different view on animals makes me sees like a woo-woo nut job to most scientists and a person of great understanding to a few of them.  It really does not bother me.  I know what I know and that is sufficient to me.

I would suggest that you quietly continue to communicate with these great animals on a personal basis to the two of you.  Of course, that communication must be telepathic.  All animals (except Humans) and plants are quite capable of doing this.  It will be helpful to you if you keep a journal of your conversations with them. You don't need to show it to anyone.  You don't need validation of this ability.  Your mind/ego is going to try and tell you that you do.  Just tell it to go away and leave you alone…and continue your spiritual communication with Gorilla.

I have been communicating with animals in this manner in both the wild and in zoos for all my life.  I remember doing an experiment in an Ecology class in college in which I was supposed to observe the behavior of Ants with regard to their movement within their environment.  I spent the whole class talking to them and asking them questions.  That was the only class I got a “C” in.  Laugh  My reports were based on what the Ants told me and not on their perceived behavior.  

You are clearly answering a spiritual call to work with Gorilla and you should honor that calling.  You will probably have to make compromises to do so….but hey! its getting close to them that you need, isn't it?  As long as you are not harming them, there is nothing wrong with this…and I assure you that the Gorillas are saying “Finally! Someone to talk to!” 

From what Gorilla has told me, it teaches us gentleness, nurturing, and care giving among other things.

Of course, questions are always welcome and I will do my best to answer them.  If I can't, I will tell you that as well.  I don't just make things up.



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