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(6)Forming intent, remaining neutral and opening portals.
July 6, 2011
3:31 pm
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
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July 14, 2011
1:22 pm
Florida, USA
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It is very important that you listen to these audios interviews in the order in which they were done.  I am discussing fundamental topics in order.

Think of it as walking up a flight of stairs.  Each interview is one step.

Even if you feel you already know the subject matter, it will benefit you to listen to each one.

The interviews are listed in order with the first one at the top.  

If you do not feel that you have accomplished a step.  Remain there until you understand it and are able to do what is contained in the interview.  I will try and help you if you have problems or have questions to ask about each one.

After listening to the interview, some of you will already know the step.  Then proceed to the next one.  The next step is titled: CHANGING ONE'S VIBRATION AND ASCENDING TO THE NEW EARTH.  

If you do not do this, you will not be able to succeed as the steps become more advanced and take more time to master.

I have tried to do this in a very orderly manner to help you get to the end result which is beyond vibration.

We are honored that you have found your way to this website.  

You will not be disappointed.

July 18, 2011
8:42 pm
Florida, USA
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This one is very important you all.  Make sure you are able to do this before attempting to change your vibration.

July 21, 2011
4:51 pm

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Do you hold a stone or place one on your body when you go into an altered state?  Can the stone be a crystal or any other type stone. When I go into an altered state I've always surrounded myself with white light. Could that be one of my problems? I'm going to go into an altered state useing the steps you suggest and see what happens.

July 21, 2011
10:46 pm
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:


Do you hold a stone or place one on your body when you go into an altered state?  Can the stone be a crystal or any other type stone. When I go into an altered state I've always surrounded myself with white light. Could that be one of my problems? I'm going to go into an altered state useing the steps you suggest and see what happens.


No, I do not use anything other than neutral intent.  

If you are only surrounded by white light, you have put yourself in a box where only white light exists.  There are an infinite amount of colors and if you are confining yourself to only those that live in white light, you are denying the existence of any species or spirit that does not do this.  This is an example of a type of box I was referring to.  Once you open the lid to that box, you are out of it.  The majority of spirits and other species do not live in white light because it is by definition causing you to put yourself out of balance when you begin.  Remember that you have to acknowledge light and shadow and walk the balance between to two.  Once you are able to do this, you need to find your center.  Being able to go to your center as you enter an altered state of consciousness and from that point forming neutral intent and then you open the portal and trust your soul to pull you where you need to go.

Remember, do not fear shadow.  It balances light.  It is not an evil or sub-level place.  It simply is.  As long as you maintain your neutral intent you are fine.  If you are unable to do this, then go back to the audio on Fear/Ego and Paranoia as there will be things there you need to work on, before moving forward.

I cannot emphasize the importance of doing these steps in order.  If you do then in order, the next step is so much easier.

Anyone that claims that there is all love in the light is either not truly entering it or is not seeing what is there.  There are plenty of different looking species in light and in shadow.  None of which are evil/devil or bad.  It is simply their home.  One is not better than the other.  This so-called light place is a fad and one that so many people are confined to at this time.  Once you form the neutral intent, open the portal you are going to be pulled to the most wondrous places and meet the most knowledgeable species, including some from Earth that will blow your mind.  As Humans, most of us have no clue as to how advanced some of the species we are living with on Earth.  Plants and Trees are among them.

Let me know if you have questions…


July 22, 2011
7:49 am

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Thanks, you are right. You know I never thought of just useing White light was putting  myself in a box, one more box to climb out of Smile

July 22, 2011
8:54 am
Florida, USA
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July 22, 2011
1:51 pm

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July 17, 2011
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Hi Diana


When you say you wrap yourself in an obsidian shield, do you mean you wear something Obsidian, or that you lay obsidian on the floor around you or simply that you call on the energy of the crystal/mineral to surround you? I've used smudging with copal in the past for protection, but my beautiful wife doesn't like the smell, so obsidian would be an improvement from her point of view 😉


I ordered several items from ebay claiming to be obsidian, even 2 bracelets of snowflake obsidian. Only  arrow heads from Mexico seem to be translucent, so I am not trusting the others. (some of them are quite thick stones, should they still be translucent in your opinion? – I didn’t find much info on this using google)?


I also have a question about travelling through the portals… I have had several experiences of going ‘over the edge’ during meditations. I feel the state shift coming on, it is quite scary and intense, culminating in a kind of ‘blacking out’. The last time was 2 nights ago, and this time I spent a few seconds once ‘over the other side’ experiencing being in some alternate location. I can’t remember much about it, but it was very earthly (like being in a shopping center or similar), although I was quite conscious that my body was in the bedroom. The mind panicked and tried to bring me back to the body, which before had occured instantly but this time took a lot more effort and intention to ‘get back’.


I was left feeling that I was ‘getting better at it’ LOL! But then again I could just be kidding myself! I also had a sense that I may even be attempting to teleport physically, hence the jarring nature of it and the clarity of perception of an alternate location that was just as real as the 3D space I began from. (I had one insight that the method to teleport the body was some function of combining/mixing energy from the root, heart and pineal and projecting through the pineal – when I go ‘over the top’ it’s usually just after I’ve been focusing on the pineal)


Just throwing stuff out, I hope this in no way deflects from your excellent articles and instructions.




PS. If you have the time, I’d also love if you could confirm my animal totems, which I’ve experienced during altered states. I’ve clearly experienced being Eagle, Wild Pig, Stag and one or two others that I can’t clearly identify, however, I was told by South American Shaman that Bear is my main totem. I sometimes feel him nearby, but haven’t had any close up and personal experience like the others where I actually experience becoming Bear.


I also saw something similar to the tubes you talk about on the other site, if you get time to revisit the orca and the tubes article again, would love your feedback.



July 22, 2011
3:51 pm
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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Great questions and post Roger.  Thanks.

July 22, 2011
4:22 pm
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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Oh:  Diana and I were talking about your post.  She's working on a reply.  It is interesting what you are asking.  I'll enjoy seeing what Diana writes about this.


As we get moving a bit more we'll be doing more audio replies to questions.  Keep them coming and we'll work towards this.  Diana had some mic issues that she has sorted out today.  As we have time we'll work on more interviews addressing questions and filling out the subjects introduced.



July 22, 2011
4:43 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Well here goes. I'm going to back track alittle before explaining what happened today when I tried  your method of remaining nuetral. I have what I call a blue dot the size of a nichol in my third eye area, I see it when I close  my eyes., it's always there never goes away. When I go into an altered state I see colors, then I see what looks like a tunnel, the tunnel is always gold colored , then a purple color, this purple color then precedes to go down the tunnel, it's like a pulse and keeps repeating going down this tunnel. I can see the end of the tunnel, it's pitch black. I once wrote to a monk asking if he knew what this meant and if this was normal when you go into and altered state and didn't get an answer , but I did get an invite to join join their group. I declinded .

Today I sat outside to try your method. Very first time I remain neutral, I was centered and balanced. no fear. I opened a portal crossed the door stoop, I saw the colors mentioned above and the end of the tunnel looked alittle larger. Then for a few seconds I saw a cats face , it happenened so fast that I didn't have a chance to ask if I could approach it , then it was gone. Each time I try this I 'm hopeing to see more. It's not alot but it's a start.

July 22, 2011
4:58 pm

Forum Posts: 57
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I also see blue at the third eye location. It's a very beautiful irridescent light blue. gorgeous.

The tunnel is also a regular feature, mine is multicolored, mostly red shades. I've been up it quite a bit and I just need to close my eyes and focus to see it laying there right infront, waiting for me to journey up it.

So looks like we have some similar translations 😉


Mark, thanks for the encouragement. I have a LOT of experiences to share with Diana for her input when the time is right 😉 Right now I have family staying and am stretched for time (and also two new websites to launch this month).


Love and hugs.


July 22, 2011
5:01 pm
Florida, USA
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It sure is a good start.  Do you know what kind of Cat it was?  If so, more than likely it is one of your lifelong animal spirits.  It was acknowledging that it is with you.

Cats are very adept at seeing in the darkness of shadow.  Jaguar is the animal spirit that taught me how to see in shadow.  Now I can see there just as clearly as if the sun was out.

Next time just go down the tunnel into the darkness.  No fear.  If all that is around you is darkness, reach out and touch Cat because it is with you.  It will lead and teach you also. 

It is also possible that once you pass the fear test of just going into darkness that you will come out the other side into something wondrous.

Remember keep that intent neutral and ask permission to approach anything near you.  If you don't get permission, just back up and go elsewhere.

Keep me posted.  This is very exciting!


July 22, 2011
5:19 pm

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It looked like a normal house cat face. I like to think that it was our beloved Iris who has crossed over The Rain Bow Bridge. I will try to move through the tunnel.   Even in altered state I have a hard time staying with what's going on  . Any suggestions?

Roger T

It's nice to know we share similar experiences. I'm happy that I' not the only one that experiences this  : ) As I get better at this I'm going to see what's at the end of this tunnel.

July 22, 2011
6:15 pm
Florida, USA
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RogerT said:

Hi Diana


When you say you wrap yourself in an obsidian shield, do you mean you wear something Obsidian, or that you lay obsidian on the floor around you or simply that you call on the energy of the crystal/mineral to surround you? I've used smudging with copal in the past for protection, but my beautiful wife doesn't like the smell, so obsidian would be an improvement from her point of view 😉


I ordered several items from ebay claiming to be obsidian, even 2 bracelets of snowflake obsidian. Only  arrow heads from Mexico seem to be translucent, so I am not trusting the others. (some of them are quite thick stones, should they still be translucent in your opinion? – I didn't find much info on this using google)?


I also have a question about travelling through the portals… I have had several experiences of going 'over the edge' during meditations. I feel the state shift coming on, it is quite scary and intense, culminating in a kind of 'blacking out'. The last time was 2 nights ago, and this time I spent a few seconds once 'over the other side' experiencing being in some alternate location. I can't remember much about it, but it was very earthly (like being in a shopping center or similar), although I was quite conscious that my body was in the bedroom. The mind panicked and tried to bring me back to the body, which before had occured instantly but this time took a lot more effort and intention to 'get back'.


I was left feeling that I was 'getting better at it' LOL! But then again I could just be kidding myself! I also had a sense that I may even be attempting to teleport physically, hence the jarring nature of it and the clarity of perception of an alternate location that was just as real as the 3D space I began from. (I had one insight that the method to teleport the body was some function of combining/mixing energy from the root, heart and pineal and projecting through the pineal – when I go 'over the top' it's usually just after I've been focusing on the pineal)


Just throwing stuff out, I hope this in no way deflects from your excellent articles and instructions.




PS. If you have the time, I'd also love if you could confirm my animal totems, which I've experienced during altered states. I've clearly experienced being Eagle, Wild Pig, Stag and one or two others that I can't clearly identify, however, I was told by South American Shaman that Bear is my main totem. I sometimes feel him nearby, but haven't had any close up and personal experience like the others where I actually experience becoming Bear.


I also saw something similar to the tubes you talk about on the other site, if you get time to revisit the orca and the tubes article again, would love your feedback.




Sorry, but I needed to quote your whole post so I didn't  leave anything out as I have no memory…you know… being a senior citizen and all.  Embarassed

No worries on the questions.  I told you to ask what you wanted to ask.  If I don't know the answer, I will tell you.

Thick Obsidian will not be transparent, but you should be able to see some transparency at the edges.  If you don't, it could be Jet.  The arrowheads that are transparent would work best.  I find that Snowflake Obsidian is just a wee bit less powerful.  Since you probably can't go around with an arrowhead in your pocket lest you be deemed a terrorist Wink , I would carry a small piece of the Snowflake in my pocket (if possible).

Are you able to feel the vibration that different stones emit?  If so, it will be helpful.  If not, no worries.  I visualize the protection shield because I am very in tune with its vibration.  In as much as you are just beginning to use Obsidian, sit on the ground; place one of the arrowheads in front of you; visualize a field of Obsidian coming from the arrowhead surrounding ALL of you.  Be aware of what that energy feels like.  Once the field is around you, form the intent that it remain there…and it should.

Now you have your protection in place.  There are a couple of things I need to tell you about that field.  1.  If you are out and about and all of a sudden you see a flash of black for an instant, then someone or something attempted to get a look at your soul.  This is never acceptable. It is a very severe boundary invasion.  Your soul is the place that is yours and yours alone.  Never open it up to anyone else, no matter how close they are to you.  The reason for this is that you will not know what will be coming in with them.  If truly bad intent is being sent to you and the shield is strong enough, it will amplify and send it right back to sender…and more than likely it will scare to pants off of them, because they have no clue what just happened.  It's good for them.  Smile   2.  You may find that certain people (and some of these may be people you believe to be friends) are going to say that your energy is dark…that there is a lot of blackness around you.  Well….duh?  Hell, yes!  You have an Obsidian protection shield up and they just got caught with their britches down trying to look at your soul.   You can smile to yourself and say silently:  “Got you!”  Laugh  So pay those types of remarks no mind.

OK, on to portals.  What happened to you is not unusual.  At first, you may go to a shopping mall or park.  Remember…baby steps.  You opened the portal and were pulled.  This is where you have to have no fear/paranoia or ego…and be neutral.  Just go with the pull.  As you become more adept at entering altered states of consciousness, you will no longer be aware of your body at all.  This is really a matter of trusting your soul to know its way…and your soul cannot get lost. Your soul will always put you back into your body.  It is advisable though, that you come out of the altered state slowly and don't try and jump up too quickly.  Give your soul time to integrate back.  

You are doing great!  Remember, it isn't where you go, but that you can do it.  You will get better with time.

On to teleportation.  When you get very adept at altered states work, forming intent, neutralizing yourself, and opening portals; you can move your soul wherever you want to.  For instance, I can put myself at the base of Uluru in Australia if I want to sit in silence at a holy place.  That took many years to be able to do.

To be adept at this work, one must learn to separate their physical body from their soul…and put the two back together again.  Don't waste your time on the science of the pineal gland, root, heart, etc.  Those are parts of the physical body (and are controlled by the mind/ego) and do not do you any good when you are doing pure soul work (which is controlled by the heart).  My college degree is in Biology/Microbiology and I don't have a bit of faith in the scientists of today ever understanding this type of work.  Oh, they are going to try, but they will fail because you can't prove the soul.  The soul is.

You next question might be: How do I separate from my physical body?  When you are in an altered state and you can see your physical body sitting across the room from where you are, you separated.  It can be a bit scary at first because you are going to be wary of whether or not you can get your soul back in your body again.  Don't be.  Your soul knows exactly which body it belongs in and it cannot get lost.  That is a fear thing.  Just keep practicing and it will happen…and when it does…oh, my…have you just made a giant leap in this work!

Eagle, Wild Boar, and Stag are among your lifelong animal spirits (totems).  You do have a Bear around you.  The one that came to me was a huge female American Grizzly.  You can have from one to literally hundreds of lifelong animal spirits.  It is possible that Bear has been working with you silently.  Bear teaches healing through solitude and introspection, so it is not an “in your face” animal.  Eagle gives you the ability to see the overall picture rather than the details.  Wild Boar is fierce and can root out truth.  It is intelligent and cunning.  It can become invisible during times of trouble.  Stag and Deer, in general, bring the need for gentleness of word, deed, and intent…and the need to listen, really listen.  Stag/Deer also will give of itself for the greater good.

When I get a chance I will post that one about Orca and the Tubes to this site and we can talk about that.  I will try and do that tomorrow.

Let me know if you have questions after reading this…hope it helps some. Smile


July 22, 2011
6:21 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:


It looked like a normal house cat face. I like to think that it was our beloved Iris who has crossed over The Rain Bow Bridge. I will try to move through the tunnel.   Even in altered state I have a hard time staying with what's going on  . Any suggestions?

Roger T

It's nice to know we share similar experiences. I'm happy that I' not the only one that experiences this  : ) As I get better at this I'm going to see what's at the end of this tunnel.


It is probably Iris that is with you.  Trust her to not put you where you don't need to be.

Don't push yourself.  If you get part way down the tunnel the first few times, that's fine.  You will find that you are able to get further each time and voila!  there you are at the end.  When you first begin this work, it is hard to stay with it.  You will get better each time you do it.  Remember you are being pulled and don't try and concentrate on anything.  Concentration comes from your mind/ego and that is your physical body trying to control the process.  Tell it to get lost.

July 23, 2011
7:01 am

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BeyondVibration said:

 Don't waste your time on the science of the pineal gland, root, heart, etc.  Those are parts of the physical body (and are controlled by the mind/ego) and do not do you any good when you are doing pure soul work (which is controlled by the heart).  My college degree is in Biology/Microbiology and I don't have a bit of faith in the scientists of today ever understanding this type of work.  Oh, they are going to try, but they will fail because you can't prove the soul.  The soul is.

Hi Diana and thanks for that very thorough response, it is really helpful.

I'm a pragmatist kind of guy and an engineer by training, so I tend to gravitate to 3D physical stuff by habit although my heart leads me in the opposite direction. When I referred to the body parts, I really meant the energy centers that seem to me to have physical locations. Having said that, when I get really connected to them, they just ARE, and suddenly they are nolonger located but just seem to be in the center of my awareness. Having said that, I still perceive sensations in locations of the body … UNTIL I go over the top or get close to this point, and then yes, I seem to lose sense of the body until the mind panics and forces thoughts into my awareness that pull me back.


I have been working on ignoring the mental stuff and surrendering to the 'pull' as you describe it, but as you say, it takes time. 6 years now I've been working at altered states, using plant medicine, and very intensely this past year.


I am getting much better, the terror has changed to fear in most cases. I still get the odd spike of pure terror, but mostly it's become a background hum of gentle uneasiness, which I am also quite keen to presence and release.


All my life, I've been 'afraid of the dark', even as an adult, so this is often v. challenging work for me. But I am getting better at it 😉


Perhaps I should set an intention to call on Jaguar to help me get comfortable with the dark, as I seem to be in there more than in the light.


Very great conversing with you. 🙂

July 23, 2011
8:05 am

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July 18, 2011
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Do the charkas play a part when you go into an altered state? I use a crystal energy shield ( I feel the energy from this beautiful mineral) the white light you were speaking to me about. The only way that I can explain how this feels is that is sort of a tug or a pulling feeling in my third eye area. I'm going to ask my daughter if she has a piece of obdision that I can hold … I”ll cleanze it first .. then feel if it is right for me.

Is what Roger speaking about .. out of body experience ? I 've had this happen to me once  and it scared the living day lights out of me.. I went to bed and the next thing that is that I’m walking down the hall in our home… every thing is red color and furniture had a black outline … sort of like a photo  negative only in red color. I felt something was different I let out a awful sound and slam I was back in my body.

July 23, 2011
8:33 am
Florida, USA
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Try not concentrating on any part of your body.  You are probably going to have to unlearn some things to be able to do this.  It may seem that they just are, but they are still part of the physical body, not the soul.  All of the physical body is controlled by the mind/ego.  It is your mind/ego telling you they just are.

Remember that the mind/ego is going to throw up fear as a way to stop you.  So by going to those organs, you are allowing that fear to manifest even through your mind/ego is telling you it isn’t.  The mind/ego lies a lot.  It will do anything to maintain control of you. 

If you unlearn what you have learned, make letting go of the fear of doing this work a large part of what you are doing.

Don’t concentrate on anything…unfocus.

As for using plant based extracts to assist you, you are putting yourself into another box and it is the plant extract that is controlling your journey, not you.  It is neigh on impossible to let go of fear, form and hold neutral intent, and open a portal while being controlled by the Plant extract.  You will go into an altered state, but you won’t be able to control what happens after that.  It will cause fear issues to be far more prominent than they would have been otherwise.  It is attractive because it appears to be fast, but it is not a good thing.  The old native Shamans knew how to use these and control their journeys.  This takes years of training and unless one is living as they did, it just doesn’t work.  The terror/fear comes from the fact that while you are in an altered state of consciousness, you were just plopped down in the middle of God knows what while in this state. The uneasiness that you are feeling is coming from your soul and the fact that it can’t control the process.  

I understand what you are saying about being an engineer.  That means that you are a predominately left-brained person.  You have relied on logic, critical thinking and proof.  Now you are being asked to let that go and do exactly the opposite.  I believe, that this is going to be your greatest challenge.  It can be done.  I did it.  For some reason (and I have been doing this work with others for over three decades), it seems that males have more trouble going to their right-brain (soul) and letting go of their left-brain (mind/ego).  I believe it has to do with the way males are raised in our society.  Males are pushed into fields that allow great dominance from the mind/ego.  On the other hand, I also know many males that have been able to make the change and are doing fine.  I guess in the end, it depends on how much you want to make the change.  if you have a way to get to nature more often, it will help you.  Even if you live in a large city, go to a park and sit on the ground or go to a nature preserve and sit amid the trees.  Sitting on the Earth really connects you in a way that just walking through it won’t.

i am asking you to unlearn what you have learned and do it a different way.  I know this way works.  I have taught it to many, many people (both male and female) over decades.  I know that bad things don’t happen when people do it this way.  None of them have ever had a problem.

If having Jaguar with you will help you overcome the fear, by all means call Her.  She will be there instantaneously.  I have told her that you may ask her for help with your fear of the dark.  When I first began working in shadow, it was so dark that all I could see were her golden eyes.  I just followed those eyes.  If she stopped, I sat down and she would lie down beside.  She is going to talk to you telepathically. You will hear her words in your head.  Telepathic conversations have a different feel to them than regular thoughts.  If you ask a question, the answer comes so fast it will floor you.  Just be sure that you accept what she says and don’t think about it.  If you think about it, then you have moved what she said through your mind/ego and the message will be changed to suit your mind/ego.  It may help to have something to use to write what she says down if you can.  I walked around in that darkness for a long time before I began to see there.  Now I can see in shadow as well as I can see in light.  What you see down there is going to be a challenge to you.  You will see things that look scary (as in ugly to humans).  They may approach you, but if you are neutral they will just observe and walk away.  We have to learn that just because something looks different, it doesn’t mean they are evil. I have never been attacked while in shadow.

Great talking to you too…


July 23, 2011
9:59 am

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Thanks Diana. I will try what you suggest and report back.

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