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(6)Forming intent, remaining neutral and opening portals.
August 30, 2011
6:30 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Can I ask you to take a peek also … PLEASEKiss

August 30, 2011
9:54 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:


Can I ask you to take a peek also … PLEASEKiss


You are fine.  Shield in place.  No entities grabbing at ya'.



August 31, 2011
7:15 am

Forum Posts: 179
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I big hug and a Kiss

September 1, 2011
5:04 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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Hi Diana,

I just came back from the journey. This is the third time and everytime is different. There is so much to see, different colours, shapes mooving, changing fast, in a speciall rhimte I´v never seen before. I bearly can remember the details. In beginning I felt my third eye but then it went away.

I remember the  dark grey metal tubes, strange formed machines made out of an dark metal, like it was a factory or city? Some metall creature was working there. I was allowed to watch. And then climbing on the walls of an huge orange cassel with the metal portals down I climed true. I asked the permission . Sometimes I have to close very strong my eyes I don´t know why? Or put my hand  to cover the eyes , then I like the darkness in the background and can see beter what´s happening….

then some toughts and appeared, three white plastic boxes on the ground.I new becouse I was thinking for a moment.

I got a bit sleepy at the end and came back. When I opened my eyes strange feeling. That´s me? Or are this legs mine? And that colour of the wall? I just can´t understand for  a coupple of minuts if this is the reality where I live? Where I came back. Every time when I come back is the same strange questioning abouth my “real” life.


Am I doing right?




September 4, 2011
4:03 am
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Hello Diana,

I hope you are OK? 

Laugh R

September 6, 2011
5:21 pm
Florida, USA
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rebeka said:

Hi Diana,

I just came back from the journey. This is the third time and everytime is different. There is so much to see, different colours, shapes mooving, changing fast, in a speciall rhimte I´v never seen before. I bearly can remember the details. In beginning I felt my third eye but then it went away.

I remember the  dark grey metal tubes, strange formed machines made out of an dark metal, like it was a factory or city? Some metall creature was working there. I was allowed to watch. And then climbing on the walls of an huge orange cassel with the metal portals down I climed true. I asked the permission . Sometimes I have to close very strong my eyes I don´t know why? Or put my hand  to cover the eyes , then I like the darkness in the background and can see beter what´s happening….

then some toughts and appeared, three white plastic boxes on the ground.I new becouse I was thinking for a moment.

I got a bit sleepy at the end and came back. When I opened my eyes strange feeling. That´s me? Or are this legs mine? And that colour of the wall? I just can´t understand for  a coupple of minuts if this is the reality where I live? Where I came back. Every time when I come back is the same strange questioning abouth my “real” life.


Am I doing right?




What you see and where you go depends are where you are drawn and will, more than likely, be different for each time you do this…at least until you get proficient enough to determine your destination which usually takes a good deal of time, patience, and practice.

It will be different for each person doing this. 




September 10, 2011
2:08 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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-When I open the portals  and later finished, do I need to close ? I noticed that I am a bit confused about what to do. Also I fall  nearly a sleep sometimes. Beside all that my sleeping pattern changed quiet . During the night I wake up manny times  but in the morning I am not really tyred? I dream a lot to.  

-I listened to the tapes and the  sound of last one on the bottom is unclear. I can´t understand your words  and I would like to understand what you say…If English would be my native language than I am sure that I could manage somehow to understand.I know I am not yet so far but is interesting for me to know.

– I have an new feeling about the plants around me. When I am outside and look at the trees I have the  impression that they are gone. Like it is an optical illusion to see them . Are those trees olready gone? Also when I look at the surrounding, it feels that there is no life. Just a  yellow coloured  map of Spain. I don´t take drugs. Do I feel what will  happen?

The Ob. shield still works, Kiss that entity is still around.  There is a stone shop and I went to buy Obsidian stones. I have  one on my neck. Once I forgot to wear it and I felt different, like missing somethink importand…   

 Did you get the music I sended you?

  Thanks Laugh

September 10, 2011
2:29 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:



-When I open the portals  and later finished, do I need to close ? I noticed that I am a bit confused about what to do. Also I fall  nearly a sleep sometimes. Beside all that my sleeping pattern changed quiet . During the night I wake up manny times  but in the morning I am not really tyred? I dream a lot to.  

-I listened to the tapes and the  sound of last one on the bottom is unclear. I can´t understand your words  and I would like to understand what you say…If English would be my native language than I am sure that I could manage somehow to understand.I know I am not yet so far but is interesting for me to know.

– I have an new feeling about the plants around me. When I am outside and look at the trees I have the  impression that they are gone. Like it is an optical illusion to see them . Are those trees olready gone? Also when I look at the surrounding, it feels that there is no life. Just a  yellow coloured  map of Spain. I don´t take drugs. Do I feel what will  happen?

The Ob. shield still works, Kiss that entity is still around.  There is a stone shop and I went to buy Obsidian stones. I have  one on my neck. Once I forgot to wear it and I felt different, like missing somethink importand…   

 Did you get the music I sended you?

  Thanks Laugh


When you return through the portal, you should close it.

I believe you just need to work with Plants more until you can both be aware of them and talk to them.  If you are new at doing this, it can take a while because most Humans have never done this.


October 1, 2011
1:03 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Could you please take a look at my shield.  It should be up, but I'm inexperienced.

/hugs for all.  :)

October 1, 2011
5:01 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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Daximil said:

Could you please take a look at my shield.  It should be up, but I'm inexperienced.


It is up and you are fine.


October 3, 2011
10:59 am
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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Sankya berry much!  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

October 3, 2011
1:49 pm
Florida, USA
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Daximil said:

Sankya berry much!  🙂


October 11, 2011
6:39 am

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Hi Diana


I am not having much 'success' lately with my journeys.


It seems my 'neutral intent' has become 'no intent' and my sessions are becoming more and more about letting go, holding no agenda, and relaxing my physical body. It's very nice and the fear is very rarely present these days, but my impatience is starting to show itself now.


I know that 'no intent' is not what we are after by the way.


I am wondering if I am getting distracted by the mind in yet another way, or if this is simply part of the process and a necessary step to go through.


Apparently, my body is responding well to my 'less directed' approach to life (according to the body worker I see weekly) which is important to me.


My lack of apparent progress wasn't bugging me at all until now, so maybe things are about to shift gear again.


Any insights, comments, advice, feedback … ?


Much love.


October 11, 2011
8:01 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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RogerT said:

Hi Diana


I am not having much 'success' lately with my journeys.


It seems my 'neutral intent' has become 'no intent' and my sessions are becoming more and more about letting go, holding no agenda, and relaxing my physical body. It's very nice and the fear is very rarely present these days, but my impatience is starting to show itself now.


I know that 'no intent' is not what we are after by the way.


I am wondering if I am getting distracted by the mind in yet another way, or if this is simply part of the process and a necessary step to go through.


Apparently, my body is responding well to my 'less directed' approach to life (according to the body worker I see weekly) which is important to me.


My lack of apparent progress wasn't bugging me at all until now, so maybe things are about to shift gear again.


Any insights, comments, advice, feedback … ?


Much love.



If you have more work to do letting go of things (getting out of boxes), that work should precede any attempts to enter altered states or open portals.  I cannot over emphasize the need to get out of those boxes BEFORE going any further.  The more baggage you are dragging, the more boxes you have to get out of.

…and patience of path…of doing this work.  The more patient you are, the faster your progress will actually be.

Be sure that you are doing this work on your own and that your body worker is not influencing your work because that just means you are in another box…the box of the body worker.

I am trying to get each of you to do this on your own so you are the one that controls the work…no boxes, no gurus, etc.  I want each of you to be self-empowered to do this on your own.

I believe you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Remember this is not a race to see who gets there first.  Going slowly has its merit.  The slow Turtle won the race against the quicker Rabbit by doing just that.


October 11, 2011
8:05 am

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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OK, thanks.

I'll keep that in mind Smile

October 11, 2011
9:29 am

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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D and Roger T ,

I think it's great that you're able to do what you've done . I've yet to travel any where . D  you are so right about the boxes but I keep repeating my mantra you've given me . Alot seems to happen to me in the dream state.

October 11, 2011
9:56 am
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:

D and Roger T ,

I think it's great that you're able to do what you've done . I've yet to travel any where . D  you are so right about the boxes but I keep repeating my mantra you've given me . Alot seems to happen to me in the dream state.


You will move from the dream state to the conscious state soon.  I suspect that much of what you believe is happening in the dream state isn't and that you are in the conscious state when these things happen.

If you are so used to everything happening in the dream state, you may not recognize when you are not in that state.

It is another box to get out off.


October 11, 2011
3:21 pm

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I'm climbing and I need a step ladder for this oneSmile

October 12, 2011
8:23 am
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:


I'm climbing and I need a step ladder for this oneSmile

No problem with that…one step up at a time…and with patience…lots of patience.


October 18, 2011
10:17 pm
Forum Posts: 85
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August 6, 2011
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This is a step that I am going to take very slowly..Is staying neutral like the neutral before you shift gears? Very calm and centered, focused intent?

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