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(7)Changing one's vibration and ascending to the new Earth:
July 14, 2011
11:43 am
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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July 18, 2011
9:49 am

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Another excellent audio, thanks Diana and Mark.


It is a common understanding that eating junk, watching TV, engaging in conflict etc are activities that lower an individuals vibration. Somehow I don't think this is quite what you mean in the audio … or is it? 😉


If not, can you suggest activities or strategies for Lowering Vibration, thanks.

July 18, 2011
10:02 am
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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Right now I am having some sarsaparilla / root beer and want to believe that this may somehow help me.  Diana, what can we do to lower our vibration in more sensible ways than wine, root beer and chips?



July 18, 2011
10:29 am
Florida, USA
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Roger and Mark,


Naw, all that stuff doesn't lower your soul's vibration level. Laugh  Comfort food and watching TV too much will dull your mind/ego, which depending on the circumstance may be good for you for a while. We all need mindless breaks.  Conflict just raises your blood pressure Yell…another physical body reaction.  These do, however, cause you to focus away from your center and soul.


Actually to lower your vibration, you would do the opposite of what you would do to raise it.  Lower it by going to your center and forming the intent to calm your vibration.  Feel your vibration and begin to lower or calm it down (different words, same effect).  You want to do it slowly, very slowly.  Think of it as a deliberate quieting of your center.  It should take doing it a multiple, even many times to feel the effect…and no, you aren't slowing sinking into hell.  I promise.  Wink


This type of work takes patience…a lot of patience.  It can't be done in a day or a month.  Some will be able to do it faster than others simply because they already know how to do the other steps covered in the audios because working on those steps makes this step so much easier and quicker. You are where you are supposed to be in your life path.  Remember that it is through our hardest lessons that we learn the most knowledge.  If all of our lives were easy, we would have really dumb souls.


Let me know if this raises any other questions either of you can think of…questions are always welcome.  The question you ask may very well help another person visiting the forum.



July 18, 2011
10:38 am
Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia
Forum Posts: 41
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June 21, 2011
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This really works for me Diana.  Great response.  I will work on that.  It is similar to something I have done before and I can see what you are talking about a bit more clearly.



July 22, 2011
1:56 pm

Forum Posts: 57
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July 17, 2011
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Yep works for me too.

I simply set the intention to lower my vibe and felt myself getting 'slower and slower' which was actually very pleasant. It was accompanied by a sinking feeling too.

Then I came back here and read your post so am very happy with that 😉

Forgot to sub to the topic, so now have done that and should respond quicker in future.

July 22, 2011
5:03 pm
Florida, USA
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That is great!  You will feel that as you slow your vibration.  Just do it slowly.


July 23, 2011
5:39 am

Forum Posts: 57
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Diana, do you recommend working on slowing our vibration as we go about our day, you know, kind of whenever I remember to do it, or rather focus on the exercise as a specific meditation, with a blocked out time slot. Or both? 😉

July 23, 2011
5:52 am
Florida, USA
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RogerT said:

Diana, do you recommend working on slowing our vibration as we go about our day, you know, kind of whenever I remember to do it, or rather focus on the exercise as a specific meditation, with a blocked out time slot. Or both? 😉


Actually, both.  Slowing your vibration as you go about you day will help you maintain center in the physical world, while focusing on it as a specific meditation (or however you choose to do it) will work better for your spiritual work.

October 18, 2011
10:13 pm
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Being a very physical moving kind of person myself, I find moving meditation works for me. A quiet mind and a focus on what I am doing in the moment. I have difficulty talking and keeping this focus. So when I do something I tend to stop in order to engage my mind and find words in order to explain what I am doing.

I cook this way and make great meals.If I cook without being fully engaged,not so good meals.

And I also find root beer very grounding/soothing at times..I am guessing since it is a root veggie,it is more earthy. And likewise with salty/fatty foods..Finally taking natural oils for that craving..And some healthier chips on occasion.

It took me over 50 yrs to learn to listen to my body and I am still learning.

Quieting my mind and calming my emotions make all the changes much soother and calms my body.

When my body starts relaxing and takes a deep breath, I know I am on the right path.

October 18, 2011
10:39 pm
Florida, USA
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LassenSage said:

Being a very physical moving kind of person myself, I find moving meditation works for me. A quiet mind and a focus on what I am doing in the moment. I have difficulty talking and keeping this focus. So when I do something I tend to stop in order to engage my mind and find words in order to explain what I am doing.

I cook this way and make great meals.If I cook without being fully engaged,not so good meals.

And I also find root beer very grounding/soothing at times..I am guessing since it is a root veggie,it is more earthy. And likewise with salty/fatty foods..Finally taking natural oils for that craving..And some healthier chips on occasion.

It took me over 50 yrs to learn to listen to my body and I am still learning.

Quieting my mind and calming my emotions make all the changes much soother and calms my body.

When my body starts relaxing and takes a deep breath, I know I am on the right path.



That happens when you begin listening to your soul which knows what is best for your body, not the other way around.

It took me a while too…that's where the patience comes in.



October 18, 2011
11:01 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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The whole goal of this website is to help you learn to move your vibration either up or down until you no longer vibrate…then you are ready to visit the new Earth.

I have hesitated to post about my experiences there because when I first listed the steps, I watched everyone go right to the last one without doing their work on the first ones.

I am building a staircase to ascendance for you…one that I know works.  There may be others out there, but I know this one always works.

You are all a different steps in the this and that is how it should be.  It doesn't mean you are less or more aware.  You are at the step that you need work on.  Trust your soul to help you with this and don't take shortcuts because you will have to go back and deal with the ones you skipped.

I am very proud of each of you for all the work you have done…and it means a lot to me that you are here on this website…We are doing work here that while I have understood most of my life, I have never shared in this manner.  Here I share everything I know.  I am not holding back bits and pieces like many do that keep people coming to their seminars, speeches, workshops, etc.

….and hey!  The price is right…it is all free.  Laugh



October 21, 2011
2:36 pm
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
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Hi Diana….


RogerT has been sharing his energy with me about Beyond Vibration and I just chose this topic as my 1st exploration.


I will listen to your audios to follow your steps in sequence…


On lowering your vibration – today I was laying on the beach in warm sunshine and cooler breeze. I focused my attention to the elements. The earth drawing me downward and grounding me, the sun's fire warming me, the air caressing me with it's breeze and the sea, crashing its rhythmic vibration through me.


As I focused more and more on each element and how it made me feel I felt my muscles relaxing, my breathing slowed down and my senses seemed heightened by this process.


Do you find connecting with nature and animals a good way to lower one's vibration?


And… thank you for your compassion and generosity.

October 21, 2011
6:30 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Alisun said:

Hi Diana….


RogerT has been sharing his energy with me about Beyond Vibration and I just chose this topic as my 1st exploration.


I will listen to your audios to follow your steps in sequence…


On lowering your vibration – today I was laying on the beach in warm sunshine and cooler breeze. I focused my attention to the elements. The earth drawing me downward and grounding me, the sun’s fire warming me, the air caressing me with it’s breeze and the sea, crashing its rhythmic vibration through me.


As I focused more and more on each element and how it made me feel I felt my muscles relaxing, my breathing slowed down and my senses seemed heightened by this process.


Do you find connecting with nature and animals a good way to lower one’s vibration?


And… thank you for your compassion and generosity.


Welcome to Beyond Vibration.

Yes, it does help to lower your vibration just as you observed.  That was how I lowered mine.  Understanding that was quite wise on your part as no one else has observed that…or posted that observation.  Wink

Please listen to the audios in order and work on each step until you are sure you have completed it as you will be building a foundation to do the more advanced work when you get to those steps.

Some steps take longer than others, and you may find that you already have accomplished a step.  In that case, simply move to the next one.

…I am here to answer any questions you have along the way.



October 23, 2011
4:53 am
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
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Thanks again Diana…


What are your thoughts on this query of mine…. I have always had a heightened 6th sense and working as an intuitive intensely for over 11 years I often find the correlating chakra to my 3rd eye – my sacral chakra is often restricted.


The physical manifestation is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


As a small child and growing up I always felt I never fitted in, felt happier in my internal world and one theory I have is this tightness/pulling/resistance in my gut seems from struggling to be part of this world and to feel accepted in it.


The more my 6th and 7th chakras seem activated the more pain and resistance I feel in my gut… is it fear manifest Diana?


I have a number of 'sensitive' close friends with simlar beliefs about our souls journey and they have this same gut/sacral energy block.


Anything you can share that may help me release this would be most appreciated! x

October 23, 2011
4:59 am
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
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oops… on this subject of lowering your vibration one therapy/practise I have found that has really helped lower or heighten my vibration is floatation.


Have you tried it Diana and any opinion on this?


This link below is just a brief overview of it, I do not touch on it's affects on consciousness I will be writing an article abut that soon 🙂



October 23, 2011
7:16 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Alisun said:

Thanks again Diana…


What are your thoughts on this query of mine…. I have always had a heightened 6th sense and working as an intuitive intensely for over 11 years I often find the correlating chakra to my 3rd eye – my sacral chakra is often restricted.


The physical manifestation is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)


As a small child and growing up I always felt I never fitted in, felt happier in my internal world and one theory I have is this tightness/pulling/resistance in my gut seems from struggling to be part of this world and to feel accepted in it.


The more my 6th and 7th chakras seem activated the more pain and resistance I feel in my gut… is it fear manifest Diana?


I have a number of ‘sensitive’ close friends with simlar beliefs about our souls journey and they have this same gut/sacral energy block.


Anything you can share that may help me release this would be most appreciated! x

I do not believe that the physical diseases that our physical body has is a result of something we are not doing charka or spiritual-wise.  But rather that we come to Earth to learn a set of lessons.  Often finding a way to move through or endure illness/disease is part of those lessons.  We are presented with other hardships we must deal with as well.  This is part of our life in a physical body.  Our soul learns through the enduring of hardships/diseases.  I realize that there are those that believe that all illnesses are a result of the person’s “dis-ease.”  I find this concept to be cruel and blames the ill person for their illness…and is poppycock as far as I am concerned.  What it does is to allow the ones that are without disease to feel superior to those that are ill…and gives them permission to either look down on the ill person or a reason to lack compassion for that soul.  This is a terrible box to fall into.

I believe that everything in life is a lesson.  If you learn the lesson, drop the rest as baggage, and move the knowledge (such as how to endure chronic illness or pain) to your soul then you have learned a lesson.  If not, then you get to come back here with the same lesson to learn.

We learn our most important lessons through our hardest hardships.  People who never are faced with hardships will have a very dumb soul.

I am a huge advocate for the elderly, young, and chronically ill because in this society it is far easier to blame those people for their problems than to have compassion and empathy for them.


October 23, 2011
7:22 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Alisun said:

oops… on this subject of lowering your vibration one therapy/practise I have found that has really helped lower or heighten my vibration is floatation.


Have you tried it Diana and any opinion on this?


This link below is just a brief overview of it, I do not touch on it's affects on consciousness I will be writing an article abut that soon 🙂




No, I don't use this and really have nothing to say on it other than if it helps in the beginning that is fine.  I don't use anything.

Lowering/raising your vibration is something you need to learn to do without using stimulants to help you.  Otherwise, you are inside yet another box…the box of the stimulant you are using…and floatation is in the end a stimulant.


October 24, 2011
7:43 am
Forum Posts: 16
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October 21, 2011
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so very illuminating Diana… how many illusions we buy into…. thank you


on this subject then, do you feel wearing any form of obsidian crystal empowers your ability to be neutral – any more than using intention to put an obsidian field around you?

October 24, 2011
10:41 am
Florida, USA
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Alisun said:

so very illuminating Diana… how many illusions we buy into…. thank you


on this subject then, do you feel wearing any form of obsidian crystal empowers your ability to be neutral – any more than using intention to put an obsidian field around you?

When I first began to use the Obsidian shield, it did help.  Shortly after I learned how to put it up I did not need to wear it.

If you put the shield up and do not allow it to come down via intent or allow anyone or anything inside it (which you should never do), it will stay in place.


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