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And yet another topic in here by me. :)
March 4, 2012
7:11 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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This morning my mind's eye showed me a portal that I thought I'd post here to see if it resembles anything you guys might've seen.

It was a lot of white light with some sort of clouds around it and seemed large enough for a person to easily pass through.  This opening was radiating light into the area surrounding it and I somehow felt that it was filling a void (The whole “Nature abhors a vacuum” thing.)  There was no defined edge to the portal, it seemed to fade into the surrounding space. There was no vortex, and I'm honestly not certain how to describe what the movement was like, other than that is was filling in an empty area.

Is this similar to anything you guys have seen?


/hugs for all.  :)

March 4, 2012
10:23 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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Daximil said:

This morning my mind’s eye showed me a portal that I thought I’d post here to see if it resembles anything you guys might’ve seen.

It was a lot of white light with some sort of clouds around it and seemed large enough for a person to easily pass through.  This opening was radiating light into the area surrounding it and I somehow felt that it was filling a void (The whole “Nature abhors a vacuum” thing.)  There was no defined edge to the portal, it seemed to fade into the surrounding space. There was no vortex, and I’m honestly not certain how to describe what the movement was like, other than that is was filling in an empty area.

Is this similar to anything you guys have seen?



This isn’t really funny question, as they are none…and actually it is very good work on your part.

When each of you opens a portal, don’t expect it to look like the others that other people are opening.  it may, but more times, it won’t.

It can look like a door (handle and all), a black void looking thing, a rainbow, a light filled area, a shimmering opening of many different colors, and so on.  It will look like you need it to look.

Remember that each of you are doing this work individually, so there is no correct way for it to look.  There is YOUR way.

If it forms and your are unafraid of it, step through it.  For the first few times, just stand there and allow your soul to show you how to “see” using the knowledge of the soul.  It will not be as the physical body with it’s already pre-conceived mind/ego expectations.

At first, you will probably not be certain that you actually did open a portal, but you did.  All it takes in the intent to do so and some quiet, patience, and lack of fear.  Keep your intent neutral and have your obsidian wrap in place.

It is very hard to try and explain what happens from there as there are just not words in the human language that are anywhere next adequate to describe these things, so you do the best that you can do with our “baby talking” physical bodies.

You are doing so very well with this.  Keep up the good work and if you can post this same question in the section on “Portals”, I will copy my answer.

This will help others.  The more that is shared, the more it helps.



d (who isn’t laughing one bit at this post)

March 6, 2012
10:14 am
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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July 19, 2011
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I'm afraid I'm not even sure if I had anything to do with this opening.  It felt kind of like a remote viewing.  I suppose I might've opened it.  Regardless, there's some pretty useful information in your response.  I'll be mulling it over.  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

March 6, 2012
4:08 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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Daximil said:

I'm afraid I'm not even sure if I had anything to do with this opening.  It felt kind of like a remote viewing.  I suppose I might've opened it.  Regardless, there's some pretty useful information in your response.  I'll be mulling it over.  🙂


Oh, I suspect you did open it.  Sometimes when one begins doing this work, they aren't even aware of what the soul does.

It very well could feel like “remote viewing” at first as you are not used to doing it yet.

I am happy the answer was helpful.


March 8, 2012
12:00 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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It´s nice to see Dax and Tash posting Laugh.

 I would just like to add, that I never saw a portal actually. I just said I open the portal and than I felt my soul  going there. But lately I tryed to see if there is anythink and all I got it is a white coloured, circle  shape with a gap wich changes  or disapear also…  I can see it from a distance or true  it into the other side. Also If I don´t open it…

Diana  I am doing it slowly now as I was ill last wek.


This is a crazy one I  wil ask you. I am talking about 3-4 days with my soul. I mean my ego is talking to her. My soul gives answers ( if she want) to my ego about stoff I don´t understand. Or it wil not give an answer and say: that´s your decision. Do I overwork my soul?

Yesterday I went out to the trip and my soul said ( if I didn´t mis it again?): do you want to join? We go now there, don´t be afraid, will be fine. We went true somethink and on the other side there was  really nice, peacefull, wondrouse place with such a beautifull blue colour my eye can´t discribe.. I still feel that peace in my bailey.

My question is:

Is there any place outthere you visited wich feels like BV but is somethink else?

If I understood well that BV is the same than the soul world?






There are  strong solarflairs coming to the Earth Tomorrow wich can cause electricity cuts?

March 8, 2012
1:29 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:


It´s nice to see Dax and Tash posting Laugh.

 I would just like to add, that I never saw a portal actually. I just said I open the portal and than I felt my soul  going there. But lately I tryed to see if there is anythink and all I got it is a white coloured, circle  shape with a gap wich changes  or disapear also…  I can see it from a distance or true  it into the other side. Also If I don´t open it…

Diana  I am doing it slowly now as I was ill last wek.


This is a crazy one I  wil ask you. I am talking about 3-4 days with my soul. I mean my ego is talking to her. My soul gives answers ( if she want) to my ego about stoff I don´t understand. Or it wil not give an answer and say: that´s your decision. Do I overwork my soul?

Yesterday I went out to the trip and my soul said ( if I didn´t mis it again?): do you want to join? We go now there, don´t be afraid, will be fine. We went true somethink and on the other side there was  really nice, peacefull, wondrouse place with such a beautifull blue colour my eye can´t discribe.. I still feel that peace in my bailey.

My question is:

Is there any place outthere you visited wich feels like BV but is somethink else?

If I understood well that BV is the same than the soul world?






There are  strong solarflairs coming to the Earth Tomorrow wich can cause electricity cuts?


No, there is nothing out there that feels like beyond vibration but isn't.  When you get there you will know what I mean.

No, the soul world is not the same as beyond vibration.  They are different.


March 8, 2012
3:09 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi  D ,Dax, and Rebeka,

This is what I see… In my minds eye, centered where the third eye is , I see blue light , it's there all the time . As I go further this widens I see what looks like white rolling clouds , then if I can get further a tunnel is there and I see rushing color  it starts off as yellow , then green , and a beautiful violet purple color, going through to the other side . Beyond the opening is black space . I'm going to try transcendental medtiation and see it works for me and I can see further. We'll see. D, VG said I'm already doing this, my wish is that I do this and realize I'm doing it .

Hugs, Smile


March 8, 2012
3:28 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:

Hi  D ,Dax, and Rebeka,

This is what I see… In my minds eye, centered where the third eye is , I see blue light , it's there all the time . As I go further this widens I see what looks like white rolling clouds , then if I can get further a tunnel is there and I see rushing color  it starts off as yellow , then green , and a beautiful violet purple color, going through to the other side . Beyond the opening is black space . I'm going to try transcendental medtiation and see it works for me and I can see further. We'll see. D, VG said I'm already doing this, my wish is that I do this and realize I'm doing it .

Hugs, Smile



This is part of the portal opening.  You have to let go of fear and step into the dark….

If you are this far along, I don't see why you would want to go back and change how you got to that point as it may not work as well for you.

Just step through the portal.  Remember:  neutral intent and obsidian shielding.


March 8, 2012
4:33 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi D ,

You and I have spoken about how hard it is for me to clear my mind and meditate , My mind is always busy and very hard to calm , so I figured if I used this method where you repeat two words, it just might let me get through the portal and I can realize that I'm doing it . D I'm not afraid and I have met some very different Beings . I've experienced out of body , and I've used shielding for years . This can'’t be so different can it?? How can I word this… should you have a picture of yourself in your minds eye and then step through the opening, and then if I do that will it be the real thing or just a picture in my minds eye ??  It should be something natural ..I'm making it to compliicated..  I'm thinkingConfused

Hugs, Kiss


March 8, 2012
4:42 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:

Hi D ,

You and I have spoken about how hard it is for me to clear my mind and meditate , My mind is always busy and very hard to calm , so I figured if I used this method where you repeat two words, it just might let me get through the portal and I can realize that I'm doing it . D I'm not afraid and I have met some very different Beings . I've experienced out of body , and I've used shielding for years . This can't be so different can it?? How can I word this… should you have a picture of yourself in your minds eye and then step through the opening, and then if I do that will it be the real thing or just a picture in my minds eye ?? I think that I' making this to me . It should be something natural ..  I'm thinkingSmile

Hugs, Kiss



No, don't have a picture of yourself in your mind's eye.  That keeps you connected to the physical body and you are trying to separate the physical body from the soul.  When you step through the portal you have to do it as a pure soul or it won't work.  Why?  Because you will be travelling outside space and time and you can't do that with your physical body attached.  You will be stopped every time.  It is doubt that is making you question whether it is real or not.  Doubt is a function of the mind/ego which is why you have to separate the two.  Doubt is a manifestation of fear coming from the physical body's mind/ego in an attempt to stop you.

If you do it correctly you will know it is real and it does happen naturally…and very quickly.

Don't think.  That is also a manifestation of the mind/ego.  Let it happen naturally.

Just keep practicing…it will come.  It is really quite easy and most people think it is very hard.  It isn't because your soul already knows how to do this.  Trust your soul.



March 8, 2012
4:49 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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I'll keep trying and one day you you'll get an email saying I've done it .

Hugs, Kiss


March 8, 2012
5:28 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi D,

I have to add that I have a huge wooden door that I open in my minds eye and I 've stepped over the stoop .. this doesn't seem to stop the colors .. they keep moving through.. door open or closed . I'm just seem to stand there .. I go no further. My biggest problem is seeing me there I think. I understand what you're saying .. It's getting it to workSmile

I have to add a couple of rules .

1.. I need to close the door so the dog doesn't jump up on me and startle me.

2.. Let Hubby know so he doesn't ask ” are you still with us” , he's done this before.



March 8, 2012
5:48 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:

Hi D,

I have to add that I have a huge wooden door that I open in my minds eye and I 've stepped over the stoop .. this doesn't seem to stop the colors .. they keep moving through.. door open or closed . I'm just seem to stand there .. I go no further. My biggest problem is seeing me there I think. I understand what you're saying .. It's getting it to workSmile

I have to add a couple of rules .

1.. I need to close the door so the dog doesn't jump up on me and startle me.

2.. Let Hubby know so he doesn't ask ” are you still with us” , he's done this before.




LOL.  Yes, those are very good rules.

I believe the reason you aren't going any further is that you are still attached to your physical body.

Work on separating the two for a bit.

You are really doing great and are farther along than you realize.  I am proud of you.



March 8, 2012
5:50 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Another thing, going through the portal can seem like going down a tube also…it can have some length to it when you first start out.  Don't worry about that as it will stop the more adept you get at doing it.


March 9, 2012
7:29 am

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi D,

I read some where that there is a silver thread that is attached to you and that you can only go so far. I have never seen this . D please explain separating the two bodies?? I'm not as smart as I thought I wasConfused  I have felt the tug once but when this happened , I opened my eyes and I was back to square one. Not afraid just wide awake.

Should there be a word to use when I get to the other side of the door I've created… Like a thought to keep going . Now reading this last line .. I feel foolish. Bare with me I'll get it.Smile



March 9, 2012
10:36 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:

Hi D,

I read some where that there is a silver thread that is attached to you and that you can only go so far. I have never seen this . D please explain separating the two bodies?? I'm not as smart as I thought I wasConfused  I have felt the tug once but when this happened , I opened my eyes and I was back to square one. Not afraid just wide awake.

Should there be a word to use when I get to the other side of the door I've created… Like a thought to keep going . Now reading this last line .. I feel foolish. Bare with me I'll get it.Smile




Nope.  There is no thread attached to you to limit your access to anywhere.

I suggest that you listen to that audio.  I do not have it written in text form to post on the blog.


March 9, 2012
12:57 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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 What is this silver thread that mystics speak about that is attached to you ? How do you separate the body from the soul ? I'm missing out .. I tried listening to the blog texts . Where I live I can't get any textsFrown. So I'm out of luck . I don't expect you to put them in blog . I'll keep trying . Bare with me.


March 9, 2012
3:57 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:


 What is this silver thread that mystics speak about that is attached to you ? How do you separate the body from the soul ? I'm missing out .. I tried listening to the blog texts . Where I live I can't get any textsFrown. So I'm out of luck . I don't expect you to put them in blog . I'll keep trying . Bare with me.



I don't know what they are talking about.  Perhaps that is the way they worked and only went to a limited number of places and felt they needed a cord or thread attached to them so they would not get lost.

The audios are on this site.  You can save them to your hard drive as an MP3 file and then listen to them off of your computer.  I believe Mark posted how to do that in the later audios.  It might take a while to down load them at a slow speed, but they should download.

The audio is about 10-15 minutes long and I just can't write it out here as it is too long.  If you can't do it on your computer, perhaps you could do it at a library or at a friends house.



March 9, 2012
4:25 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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This afternoon I gave it another try . I got the tunnel to open almost as wide as my face now for the dumb thing Idid . I told myself I'm launching myself through the opening , nothingFrown One of the mantras that I say is that I'm opening myself to aspects of higher self . Maybe deep down I really don't want to meet up with a negitive spirit .  I have a double shield around me . I'm not afraid of the dead, but I know that there's some really bad stuff out there .  Do you think that the mind can conjure up some of these negitive spirits ? Like if you think it … believe it.. it becomes a reality?? The next thing that I'll try is to just meditate not to worry that I'm going to do this and that.Smile


March 9, 2012
4:46 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:


This afternoon I gave it another try . I got the tunnel to open almost as wide as my face now for the dumb thing Idid . I told myself I'm launching myself through the opening , nothingFrown One of the mantras that I say is that I'm opening myself to aspects of higher self . Maybe deep down I really don't want to meet up with a negitive spirit .  I have a double shield around me . I'm not afraid of the dead, but I know that there's some really bad stuff out there .  Do you think that the mind can conjure up some of these negitive spirits ? Like if you think it … believe it.. it becomes a reality?? The next thing that I'll try is to just meditate not to worry that I'm going to do this and that.Smile



You still have fear issues.  Go back and work on that.  If you are still worried about negative spirits, then you have fear.  If you have neutral intent and your shield up, you won't be bothered by negative spirits.  Do not attempt to direct where you are going as that is being done by your mind/ego.  Your soul already knows where to go without being directed.  

I have never, in all the thousands of trips I have taken, ever had a negative spirit even try to approach me.  Sure I see things out there that are very strange looking to me.  That doesn't mean they are negative, but only that that is how they normally look.

If one is doing this work, then one can't put preconceived parameters on how they must appear.  We have to allow for the all of the differences that this wondrous universe contains and honor those differences.

You are going to read and hear about all these negative things and how you should do things so they won't grab you, etc.  That is to keep people in the fear box and control them.

I am trying to free you from that box and allow you to fly.

When you do this for the first few times you, more than likely, are not going to go anywhere except through the portal.  Allow your soul time to help you adjust to this very different experience. At some time, you will begin to feel a very gentle tug on your soul.  Allow your soul to be pulled where you need to go.  This is about giving your soul control and having faith that it will not allow you to be hurt.

Ascension is about the loss of fear and movement into the unknown.


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