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And yet another topic in here by me. :)
April 1, 2012
12:20 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi Diana,

Thought I would share what happened to me recently. I was not alseep ,but in that in between state , my eyes were shut . I heard this click , not a loud sound , and then in my minds eye I saw purple mist. I wasn't startled , but the moment I questioned it.. it stopped . Now this is not the in room purple mist I saw when VG paid a visit … but formed in my minds eye. The way it looked was like smoke coming from a small area near my third eye and then starting to fan out into a larger area of my mind . I feel that this was one of my charkas opening up. Am I right ? I'm going at this in slower pace now , not forceing it , seems to work better for me.  How are you and Tori bug feeling now?? Better I hope .



April 1, 2012
5:24 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Tashina said:

Hi Diana,

Thought I would share what happened to me recently. I was not alseep ,but in that in between state , my eyes were shut . I heard this click , not a loud sound , and then in my minds eye I saw purple mist. I wasn't startled , but the moment I questioned it.. it stopped . Now this is not the in room purple mist I saw when VG paid a visit … but formed in my minds eye. The way it looked was like smoke coming from a small area near my third eye and then starting to fan out into a larger area of my mind . I feel that this was one of my charkas opening up. Am I right ? I'm going at this in slower pace now , not forceing it , seems to work better for me.  How are you and Tori bug feeling now?? Better I hope .




I want you to begin to trust your instincts more.  If you instinctively believe it was a charka opening, then it was.

As an FYI, this is something I would expect since you are moving slower.  It is giving you time to experience things in a more nuanced state.  The more you do this, the easier it becomes.

Tori is fine.  I am slowly getting better.  Thanks for asking.  My body has a hard time with antibiotics, but sometimes they are the only answer.



April 6, 2012
9:14 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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Hi Diana,


Hope you are getting better? Wish you a good recovering!

I hope the rest of you are OK?

Here in south Europe we have a kind of epidemic flu.

People who made a blood test discovered  high levels of barium, aluminum… I wish we could remove it somehow?






April 7, 2012
11:56 am

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi Rebeka,

Can I ask where in South Europe you live? Sorry to hear that there’s a flu bug making the rounds, sounds really bad for people . Do you have to boil your drinking water? Hope that  you’re ok.  

How are you coming along with surrounding yourself with obsidion?  Take care.



April 10, 2012
8:21 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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Hi Tashina,


Thank for your kind attention! I am in Spain currently.

I am better now, removing heavy metals ,  morgellons  from my body with MMS. We drink bottle water, don't use tap water…

How are you?

I make a break with the trips and will soon start again.





April 12, 2012
7:58 am

Forum Posts: 179
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Hi Rebeka, Smile

I’ve never been over seas but I hear that Spain is a beautiful country. I live in Maine  a few miles from the ocean . Sometimes it’s a good thing to take a break. That’s what I’m doing now , just a simple meditation . I’m taking it one step at a time .



April 12, 2012
5:57 pm
Florida, USA
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My favorite country is Australia.



April 12, 2012
8:12 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi Diana,

Do you think that you might visit there one day ?  My nephew and his wife got a chance to go  there and they said it’s  beautiful.



April 12, 2012
10:22 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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Tashina said:

Hi Diana,

Do you think that you might visit there one day ?  My nephew and his wife got a chance to go  there and they said it's  beautiful.




I did.  I spent 4 weeks in the Northern Territory camping on mostly Aboriginal led tours.  It was a very spiritual experience and forever changed me.  The Aboriginal People are exceptional.  I traveled from here in the States to there alone and took I believe it was a total of eight or nine tours in all.  I picked the tours based on instinct and had a very intricate schedule that if just one failed the whole thing would come down on me like a house of cards.  None did and it went off without a hitch…except that I fractured my arm near the end of the trip and got to experience their wonderful National Health Care System firsthand.  It was great.  I flew into Sydney and left for Darwin, NT within an hour and stayed in the Northern Territory for the four weeks.  There were so many crazy and wonderful things that happened that I had my Brother-in-Law with tears coming down his face from laughter at some of the things that happened.  It was pure magic and I am blessed to have had that experience.




April 18, 2012
5:08 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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Had a nice little birdie trying to talk to me the other day.  He/She came up to the house and tapped on the window for about ten minutes at a time, six times over the coarse of two days.  No idea who the bird was nor do I know what she was saying, but I knew that it was communication.  Just thought I'd mention it.  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

April 18, 2012
5:24 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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Daximil said:

Had a nice little birdie trying to talk to me the other day.  He/She came up to the house and tapped on the window for about ten minutes at a time, six times over the coarse of two days.  No idea who the bird was nor do I know what she was saying, but I knew that it was communication.  Just thought I'd mention it.  🙂


Next time try talking to the animal telepathically.  Just form the words in your head and send them out.  You will get animal's response extremely quickly (in your head).  Then just continue to talk to it in that manner.  Sometimes the response you get will seem to be off the wall.  Later you will realize that it was not as odd as you thought it was as it will probably deal with something that that hasn't happened yet.

The more you do this, the easier it becomes.  Don't let your mind/ego tell you that you are making up the replies because you aren't.  As always, the mind/ego wants you to not trust your instincts or your ability to communicate with other beings outside of the mind/ego's control.

Notice the new URL.  I changed it because the was another site at .com with the same name and I did not want the two to get confused.




May 14, 2012
8:07 am
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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AscendingAboveVibration said:

My favorite country is Australia.



Hi Diana,


I feel a lot of curiosity towards  Australia. It feels like a  clean, shining place, a  magnet when I concentrate on it.. I wish I could spend some time there, but it seem very difficoult to get into that Continent.

Startng to do the Work, go often into altered state but didn´t go on trips since last month. There is somethink around me giving me answers on my questions true mooving my head, lips… But I am not sure if I can take it seriousely? Do you see somethink  Diana what could help me?

Love to everybody, Today seem to be another shift day…


May 14, 2012
9:58 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:

AscendingAboveVibration said:

My favorite country is Australia.



Hi Diana,


I feel a lot of curiosity towards  Australia. It feels like a  clean, shining place, a  magnet when I concentrate on it.. I wish I could spend some time there, but it seem very difficoult to get into that Continent.

Startng to do the Work, go often into altered state but didn´t go on trips since last month. There is somethink around me giving me answers on my questions true mooving my head, lips… But I am not sure if I can take it seriousely? Do you see somethink  Diana what could help me?

Love to everybody, Today seem to be another shift day…



You have to begin to learn to trust your instincts because that is your soul talking to you.  Doubt is your physical mind/ego trying to get you to not trust your instincts.

This is something you have to have the courage to do.


May 14, 2012
12:15 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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OK Thanks, that is a good news.  Did you see my soul? Kiss

It was funny another day, I met a friend and told him to ask me some questions I don´t have any clou about and I only answered with Yes or No. All answers where correct as my soul leaded me…LOL. 


Have a good day everybody outthere in the world,Laugh


May 14, 2012
9:39 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:

OK Thanks, that is a good news.  Did you see my soul? Kiss

It was funny another day, I met a friend and told him to ask me some questions I don´t have any clou about and I only answered with Yes or No. All answers where correct as my soul leaded me…LOL. 


Have a good day everybody outthere in the world,Laugh



I never look at the soul of another person.  That is your most sacred space and you should never let anyone in there.  It would be a grave invasion of your personal space and I am all about boundaries.


May 17, 2012
5:28 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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 I found out this evening that it wasn't my soul I was speaking to the last twoo weeks. It was some entity trying out with me, tellijng me storys. It was somehow attached to my fears.  When I found it out I didn't feel fear. It was still a good lesson as we talked about my fears. I am wondering how could  manage it to move my head, lips… I must be evry sensitiv to all kind of energies around me….? I told  it to go away.


I started to go on trips again, it gives me really such a peace. I am just a different person afterwoods…Kiss



May 20, 2012
6:34 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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I  was wrong in the last post. It is really my soul talking to me but I couldn't believe it.  My soul is talking to me when I am here and outthere.  I am learning a lot this days about myself and who I am: my soul and my body  wich is connected to my ego. Yesterday I looked at my legs and just couldn't identify with them as beeing me. It is happening more and more. I see how I was living in the other world before and a new dimension is opening now…

So exiting LOL 

Is this common that your soul/ guides give you  guidelines what to do? I receive some repeting message from them what I need to do in terms to survive. I try to not be afraid and trust it but if I follow that advise I need to  get in action.

If you talk to VG could you ask her about this?





May 21, 2012
10:41 am
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:



I  was wrong in the last post. It is really my soul talking to me but I couldn't believe it.  My soul is talking to me when I am here and outthere.  I am learning a lot this days about myself and who I am: my soul and my body  wich is connected to my ego. Yesterday I looked at my legs and just couldn't identify with them as beeing me. It is happening more and more. I see how I was living in the other world before and a new dimension is opening now…

So exiting LOL 

Is this common that your soul/ guides give you  guidelines what to do? I receive some repeting message from them what I need to do in terms to survive. I try to not be afraid and trust it but if I follow that advise I need to  get in action.

If you talk to VG could you ask her about this?






Continue to trust your instincts/soul and not your mind/ego.  Anytime that you allow what your soul tells you to move through your mind/ego, it will be altered.


May 23, 2012
2:26 pm
Forum Posts: 121
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August 21, 2011
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Hi Diana,


Thanks for the feedbak! 

I was on the trip Today, my soul told me we go to BV but on the way I met some beeing and I am not sure if it was Orca, we just comunicated with the sounds/very high? I never did this before but my sou told me to follow her, so I did it. makig high sounds like an animal…

I was alone in the house , otherwise I would dear to do this…I got an impuls in the ears that I have to make high tones  and heared also very high tones..  so I comunicated with someone else I didn't know who but afterwoods my sould told me it was Orca…

What is your taught on this Diana?



May 25, 2012
8:05 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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June 21, 2011
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rebeka said:

Hi Diana,


Thanks for the feedbak! 

I was on the trip Today, my soul told me we go to BV but on the way I met some beeing and I am not sure if it was Orca, we just comunicated with the sounds/very high? I never did this before but my sou told me to follow her, so I did it. makig high sounds like an animal…

I was alone in the house , otherwise I would dear to do this…I got an impuls in the ears that I have to make high tones  and heared also very high tones..  so I comunicated with someone else I didn't know who but afterwoods my sould told me it was Orca…

What is your taught on this Diana?




I thought I answered this post…guess it didn't take.

Yes, that sounds like Orca.  They produce very high pitched sounds…in fact the are so high pitched that a Human's hearing can't hear them, so you hear them with your soul.

You will never to past vibration while vibrating…and Orca will never take you there while making sounds.

Trust your instincts.


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