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And yet another topic in here by me. :)
March 9, 2012
5:27 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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D ,

I understand.. and you are right. About meeting  the unknown … I  pm you a while back about meeting those beings .. they were not evil but meeting them for a first  time really surprised me..  this didn't happen during meditation but real time..like you said I have to remember how I look to them. Ok maybe I haven't climbed completely out of my box, I have a portable step ladder , that'll work Smile


March 9, 2012
6:28 pm
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:

D ,

I understand.. and you are right. About meeting  the unknown … I  pm you a while back about meeting those beings .. they were not evil but meeting them for a first  time really surprised me..  this didn't happen during meditation but real time..like you said I have to remember how I look to them. Ok maybe I haven't climbed completely out of my box, I have a portable step ladder , that'll work Smile



Use that step ladder!  That'll work just fine. 

Seriously, once you get used to seeing beings that don't look anything like us, they are not odd at all…just different and it is the difference we should honor.

You are doing great…remember to be patient with yourself as you have other things in your physical life that you have to take care of.  You will get there.



March 10, 2012
3:48 pm

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Hi D,

Day two of this new meditation for me . I'm liking the meditation and I'm able to focus for a while and then my eyes are jumping around in my head.. I need to work on this . What happened is I got to the tunnel and just this side of it was the most beautiful flickering gold lights that I have even seen , really beyond beautiful . Has this happened to any of you ??  Are these light spirits ??



March 10, 2012
7:01 pm
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:

Hi D,

Day two of this new meditation for me . I'm liking the meditation and I'm able to focus for a while and then my eyes are jumping around in my head.. I need to work on this . What happened is I got to the tunnel and just this side of it was the most beautiful flickering gold lights that I have even seen , really beyond beautiful . Has this happened to any of you ??  Are these light spirits ??




Not to me…at least not in portal opening.

You are liable to see anything.

I believe the most important things to learn are not to ask either “why something happens?” or “Are others seeing this?”  Each person is going to have a different experience and you need to learn to accept what happens to you without having validation from others.  That need for validation is coming from your mind/ego.

You have to trust your intuition and soul or this is not going happen for you.

Humans are so used to having to have validation that it seems that we have lost our ability to trust our intuition/soul.  Animals and Plants don't have that problem because they already know this.

I know this is frustrating to you, but just keep working on it and don't give up.  I honestly believe you are doing fine and coming along at a good pace.



March 12, 2012
4:42 pm
SE Kansas

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Still making slow progress on trying to get the veil to lift. 

The other day during my attempt, my computer screen flashed green light at me (it had been off for an hour or so, and it's a liquid crystal display not a tube based monitor) in response.  This triggered a fear response in me so I backed off and took a break.

During today's attempt, the whole room I was in looked like it was filled with a 'white fog.'  My ego stepped in and tried to identify it as the veil that I'm trying to see through, but I stepped back and returned to my initial feeling of a 'white fog.'  It was light in the room and I normally do this when it's dark, but the mood hit me so I figured I'd go ahead and do today's work regardless of the time.

/hugs for all.  :)

March 12, 2012
7:50 pm
Florida, USA
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Daximil said:

Still making slow progress on trying to get the veil to lift. 

The other day during my attempt, my computer screen flashed green light at me (it had been off for an hour or so, and it's a liquid crystal display not a tube based monitor) in response.  This triggered a fear response in me so I backed off and took a break.

During today's attempt, the whole room I was in looked like it was filled with a 'white fog.'  My ego stepped in and tried to identify it as the veil that I'm trying to see through, but I stepped back and returned to my initial feeling of a 'white fog.'  It was light in the room and I normally do this when it's dark, but the mood hit me so I figured I'd go ahead and do today's work regardless of the time.


You may very well see the “veil” as a fog of any color.  It is going to be different for most people.  The only thing that will fix this is for you to just go through the fog…be sure you have your neutral intent and wrap in place.  Don't get scared if all you see is the fog and you don't go further.  You will have, in essence, moved through the fear of stepping into it and getting eaten by the boogey-man.  Remember just baby steps.

Just to show you how I think…I would have viewed that green flash as a “hello” from Earth and not in a bad way.  For me, it would have been an “atta girl” moment.




March 24, 2012
7:50 am
Forum Posts: 121
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I am wondering how are you doing? No post the last 2 weeks, so I taught to say somethink .

Despite what happens, I feel peace in my belly.

When I open, after 30 minuts I have trouble staying awake.I am still going on trip each day but  I feel like I walk into the viciouse cirkle. Also I experience some new stoff: sometimes approaches me  somethink and my head goes left or right or would stand strait and shake, like saying I don´t want to talk with you.

Manny times I have difficoulties in getting contact with the threes, wich I didn´t have before.When I start to communicate , somethink is coming between, than my head would turn left or right and stop the conversation. I feel that this has a meaning but I don´t know exactly how to avoid that other entities interfere? I wrapped myself Yesterday in two layers of Obsidian. I am wondering if I need some other kind of shield to prevent interfering from nasty ones? There is often that some entity says I want to help. But when I talk to it for a while I see that is coming to have fun and is not honest.

I see that is very importand that I am neutral. Once I am upset about somethink I feel those entities want to influence me, so I go neutral.

The most beautiful event of each day is when I go to sleep Laugh. I really don´t know why I am so tired?I am sleeping about 9-10 hours each day and need a siesta in the afternoon. Is because of the chemtrails they are sprayin every second day or the shift? Could be both ? I had really nasty skin problems last month.It took me 2 weeks to get rid of it.I just want to  breathe clean/ fresh air.

Another day my soul said to me: I am not afraid of the chemtrails, thay can never kill me. I am immortal.




March 24, 2012
1:52 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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July 18, 2011
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Hi Rebeka,

You only need a single shield of obsidian to surround yourself . Wiccans use this shield for pretection and we use only one . It sounds like you're having a very hard time with this . Some times it's better to take a break for a while , step back see where you're at and decide if this is really what you want to do . 



March 24, 2012
6:15 pm
Florida, USA
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I absolutely agree with what Tashina told you.

It appears that you continue to go in circles with this.  Take a break.  Don't force it.

If it is supposed to happen it will. Remember this is not a sprint to the finish.


March 26, 2012
2:00 pm
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Thanks for your feedback.Kiss I already took some rest a coupple of weeks ago and reduced a time as I felt I´m stuck.

I will keep doing this work but at the moment  about 30 min at day but only when I feel like doing it. Will keep it short and not 2-3 hours like before. I am sure I want to do this and will go tru this difficoult stage and go out of viciouse circle on a loosely proceed way.

I should not get in the old habbit to want to reach somethink. That is a difficoult one for me. My problem was that I was bussy to get somewhere or  bussy to see what is around me, bussy to receive meassages, bussy to know when ,my soul is stoppig to vibrate …

Now I am doing a new start, a slowly one without forcing. If that don´t work out than I stop totally for a week or two.


I just need an feedback about Obsidian shield one more time please?


When I went out Yesterday evening I´v got different messages but they disapeared after a while as I didn´t react on it. It seems a work on a very subtle level. ( I am looking forward to learn aboutLaugh).

I stil don´t understand quiet well what Obsidian shield exactly does and what not? Diana, please  I really need a help with this:

For exmaple if an beeing/ entitiy approaches me outthere and is telling me somethink? I pick up an taught of that beeing and after an sentence thet beeing would just stop to talk to me. Could be that becouse is telling me a lie and the Obsidian shield is bloking further communication?






I dont know íf that resonates with others but I feel so cut off everybody of you . Is there any interest to share experiences on daily basis?like having a blog? I liked the feeling of doing somethink together.This is an individual work ofcourse and not a race as Diana sayes but a feeling that we are involving in doing somethink similar..?

March 26, 2012
2:53 pm

Forum Posts: 179
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Hi Rebeka,

You only need one obidsion shield. Your shield will not block messages. You surround yourself with it , you picture it in your mind and as you get better you will see it surrounding you , it will look sort of dark but you can see through it. Can I ask you why you want to contact these spirits , ghosts or other Beings? My advice to you would be to take a long break or to completely stop  from doing this as it's seems to be doing you more harm then good . I don't mean this in a hurtful way, but this doesn't seem to be helping you. Why not do a quiet medition  and not try to contact any spirit for a while . Just a thought. Do you have friends around you that you can discuss what's going on in your life? For every one who wants  to try this, Rebeka , the experience will differ for each person.

Hugs, Smile


March 27, 2012
4:22 am
Florida, USA
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Tashina said:

Hi Rebeka,

You only need one obidsion shield. Your shield will not block messages. You surround yourself with it , you picture it in your mind and as you get better you will see it surrounding you , it will look sort of dark but you can see through it. Can I ask you why you want to contact these spirits , ghosts or other Beings? My advice to you would be to take a long break or to completely stop  from doing this as it's seems to be doing you more harm then good . I don't mean this in a hurtful way, but this doesn't seem to be helping you. Why not do a quiet medition  and not try to contact any spirit for a while . Just a thought. Do you have friends around you that you can discuss what's going on in your life? For every one who wants  to try this, Rebeka , the experience will differ for each person.

Hugs, Smile



I agree with what Tash just told you.  Try it and see if it helps.



March 27, 2012
5:40 am
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Hi Tashina, Diana,


If I understand you well than the Obsidian shield will not block any kind of messages? But I still don´t understand what Obsidian shield really exactly does? If you don´t know that than I accept it.

I think you didn´t understand me good. I am actually doing fine, just need to know about Obsidian shield. Maybe you got an impression I am in big troubbles or somethink like this but that is not right. I think we are  different in how we express our self here. Maybe I should just post less and stop to ask questions? Those experiences I made are not doing me harm, I learned from it and I welcome that. Without bad experiences there is no progress in my opinion. Now I see how importand it is to be neutral when I am outthere. My desire is to understand why some thinks happen.

When I started 3 years ago wen my friend opened my thirth eye I discovered a lot of interesting thinks…I have friends  with who I can talk about my life etc… and I am very pleased about, but none of them is on this forum. They don´t do this work but are also involved somehow with the shift etc..But in generally  my best friend is the nature,music. If I could choose, I would just live in the nature and  communicate mainly with the animals, plants…

I hope you are doing fine and don´t worry about me. 

Hugs, Kiss


March 27, 2012
8:18 am

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Hi RebekaSmile

The shield is there to surround you … to protect you … that's all it's there for  nothing else.  Diana, has told you how to do this. I 'm a firm believer in letting   NO ONE TAMPER WITH MY BODY , and you should be very careful who you let  do anything to you .. be it opening a third eye or anthing else . You are the one in charge of you. Sounds like it did more harm then good , maybe you were not ready at the time . I understand what you say about good and bad experiences and that you learn from them ,but this is some thing that you don't fool around with , it's not a parlor game. You seem to be getting of trickers or shape shifters. Have these spirits given you any helpful information. Have you read any goods books about this ? I wish you well in what you're trying to accomplish.

Hugs, Smile


March 27, 2012
10:07 am
SE Kansas

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This morning those specks of light that dance around one's vision coalesced into, what appeared to be, a forest.  It was a vague but stable image.  I could only really see silhouettes but the image was solid and stayed in form for a good minute or two.  I don't know what it was, but it was frigg'n cool!  😀

/hugs for all.  :)

March 27, 2012
10:12 am

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Way to go Dax Smile



March 27, 2012
3:10 pm
Florida, USA
Forum Posts: 485
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Daximil said:

This morning those specks of light that dance around one's vision coalesced into, what appeared to be, a forest.  It was a vague but stable image.  I could only really see silhouettes but the image was solid and stayed in form for a good minute or two.  I don't know what it was, but it was frigg'n cool!  😀


The souls of trees will often appear the same way as the souls of animals, etc.

I echo Tash's congratulations in that you moved past seeing just the soul to seeing the whole tree…soul and physical body.

That is a big step for you.  When you begin to form portals and travel as a pure soul, you will see the lights until you “land” where they are living.  Then you will see the whole thing.

It is friggin' cool when you are able to achieve this breakthrough.



March 31, 2012
1:40 pm
SE Kansas

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Okay, here’s what happened last night.  I had nerded out on the computer, so I didn’t go to bed until 4:44 am. While laying in bed I set the intent to open to my higher self.  The instant I drifted off to sleep, something popped me right in the small of the back!  (I was laying on my back.)  It didn't hurt, but I was popped with enough forced that I bounced right up into the air a little ways and my mattress made quite a racket!

At the exact same time I got popped in the back, an image flashed through my mind’s eye of a little boy with blue eyes and I associated him with being the one doing the popping.

To my credit I wasn't afraid but I was really dumbfounded.  I went on ahead and counted to 5, out of habit, just to keep any fear from forming.

I started to think about becoming either angry of annoyed (which I found interesting since I was thinking about this instead of doing it.  Guess all those years of self observation are really starting to take effect.) but I instead decided to keep the experience neutral since I don't actually know what the intent behind popping me on the back was. 

Any way you could take a look at the little boy for me?  Help me understand what happened here?

/hugs for all.  :)

March 31, 2012
3:26 pm
Florida, USA
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Daximil said:

Okay, here's what happened last night.  I had nerded out on the computer, so I didn't go to bed until 4:44 am. While laying in bed I set the intent to open to my higher self.  The instant I drifted off to sleep, something popped me right in the small of the back!  (I was laying on my back.)  It didn't hurt, but I was popped with enough forced that I bounced right up into the air a little ways and my mattress made quite a racket!

At the exact same time I got popped in the back, an image flashed through my mind's eye of a little boy with blue eyes and I associated him with being the one doing the popping.

To my credit I wasn't afraid but I was really dumbfounded.  I went on ahead and counted to 5, out of habit, just to keep any fear from forming.

I started to think about becoming either angry of annoyed (which I found interesting since I was thinking about this instead of doing it.  Guess all those years of self observation are really starting to take effect.) but I instead decided to keep the experience neutral since I don't actually know what the intent behind popping me on the back was. 

Any way you could take a look at the little boy for me?  Help me understand what happened here?


While I was reading your post and before I got to the part where you said it was a little boy, I saw Coyote just laughing his rear off.

This is going to sound strange, but I believe you got punk'd by Coyote.  Coyote is a very powerful animal spirit and He will push you to your limits.  

To your credit, you passed this test in that you remained neutral throughout it and fought the fear and anger.

As an FYI, Coyote protects childhood trust and wonder…so seeing a child would not surprise me at all.

When you become able to experience things that are unknown and not fear the experience, then you making a lot of progression towards beyond vibration.

I have Coyote in my South direction which means He has been on my rear all my life. Laugh  He loves to do things like this.  Roscoe also had Coyote as his lifelong animal spirit, which means that for 10 years I had two of them living in the house.  Surprised  You learn to develop a good sense of humor and fast.

Let me know if you have any questions about this as I am sure it was not the answer you were expecting.



March 31, 2012
4:36 pm
SE Kansas

Forum Posts: 91
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Nope, not the answer I was expecting.  Pretty funny though.  🙂

/hugs for all.  :)

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